part 12

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flora's pov
i woke up, i turned to my side and tried cuddling into harvey. i remembered he wasn't there. i sighed, he was such a dick last night. i loudly heard james crying and stood up, i rubbed my face to try and wake myself up. i walked over to james' cot and picked him up. i went over and lay back down, he was probably hungry. i began breastfeeding him and felt myself slowly drifting back to sleep.

i suddenly woke up, i looked down and james wasn't there. i began to panic, where was he. i ran into the living room and saw harvey on the sofa with james in his arms. i went over and took james "i told you to get out" i angrily told him. "flora please" harvey looked at me, filled with sadness. "please what? what you said last night is unforgivable" i shouted slightly trying not to disturb james. "i didn't mean it, i was drunk" harvey apologised as he stood up and slowly moved towards me. "i don't care, saying that you didn't actually love me, i can never forgive you for that" i yelled. "now get out" i said as i pushed him with one hand. he stumbled back a little. "fine i'll leave" harvey calmly said. i watched him get in his car and drive away. i sighed just as james started crying.

max's pov
i was sitting with gracie playing with her dolls when i heard a knock at the door. i went over to the door and opened it. i saw a very rugged looking harvey looking quite anxious. "what do you want" i asked, still mad at him for last night. "look i want to apologise, what i said wasn't acceptable and it certainly wasn't true" harvey apologised. "i was drunk and was projecting some hatred towards some people onto you and i shouldn't and i apologise" he kept apologising. "what about flora" i asked. "i tried apologising but she kicked me out, i need to fix this between us" he told me. i looked into his eyes and he genuinely looked upset and as if he was lost on what to do. "okay fine, just don't do anything that stupid again" i smiled as i pulled him into a hug.

me and harvey sat for a couple of hours brainstorming on how we could get flora to forgive harvey we thought of an almost perfect idea. we began to set everything in motion when joshua came home so we had to stop. "hey honey" i smiled as we gave each other a kiss. "ewww" both harvey and gracie said as they laughed.

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