part 20

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harvey's pov
after six months of planning i was finally able to get married to the love of my life. i was standing in my dressing room getting ready when gracie walked in, followed by max. "how you feeling" max asked as he sat himself down. "nervous" i sighed a little, every possible thing that could go wrong was running through my head. "listen, you'll be fine" he smiled as gracie hugged my side. "uncle harvey" she questioned, i looked down at her and nodded. "where's aunt flora" she questioned, i thought for a second. "you know i'm not sure because i'm not supposed to see her until the wedding" i told her, she giggled a little. "daddy can i go find aunt flora" gracie asked, max nodded and off she ran. i smiled a little. i went back to attempting to do my bow tie. max walked over and started taking over, i might be the older brother but god max was so much more grown up than i was. "you're gonna do amazing" max patted my shoulder as i turned to look at myself in the mirror. "they're ready for you" our wedding planner said as she popped her head into the room. i took a deep breath before leaving the room, going to take my place at the alter.

i stood nervously in front of this room full of people. people who loved us, i could see all their smiling faces all there to support me and flora on our special day. i heard the song starting playing and turned to look at the doors, after just a few seconds the doors burst open. i watched as flora walked arm in arm with her dad down the isle. thinking about how amazing it was that i got to spent the rest of my life with this woman. her dad passed her onto me and we both stood at the front as the officiant started what he was saying. i wasn't paying any attention to what he was saying, i was only focusing on the love of my life standing right in front of me. we exchanged the rings and our vows. "you may now kiss each other" the officiant said as i leaned over and kissed flora. this was the best day of my life.

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