part 14

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flora's pov
i felt quite bad for leaving harvey, especially the way i did it but i didn't want him to get away with what he did. i knew i should be able to forgive him at this point but i really couldn't, every time i look at him all i think about is those nasty words spitting out of his mouth. i felt betrayed and frustrated. i just hoped he would be okay, i know how bad he was last time he was on his own. i wanted to get back together with him but i wasn't sure if he actually did mean what he said. he kept saying he didn't but what if he had, what if he'd meant every word he'd said. i decided i wanted to see him so i texted max to ask if i could meet harvey to speak with him. max obviously agreed, he was our biggest shipper, i was told to go to the park and max would get harvey to meet me there.

i'd been at the park for about 20 minutes and i was a little shocked that harvey hadn't turned up yet. i checked the time and made sure that max had texted him. i had locked my phone when i felt it start ringing. i didn't recognise the number but i picked it up anyway. "hello" i asked, there was a little silence before the other person started talking "yes hello is this flora griffin" they asked. "yes it is, what can i help you with" i asked. i heard papers shuffling "and do you know a harvey mills" they asked, i was a little weirded out "yes". there was a moment of silence "well harvey is in hospital, he's in quite critical condition and you are his next of kin" he informed me. "okay, i'll be there in 20 minutes" i told him. i hung up the phone and rushed to my car. i really hoped harvey was okay. i was terrified that he was going to die or something but i'm sure he wasn't going to. i just knew that if he survived i really wanted to get back together with him.

harvey's pov
i pulled the car up at my dads house. i was still so drunk but i needed to talk to him. i needed him to know what i had to say. i drunkenly got out of my car with my bottle of beer, i stumbled up to his front door and banged on the door. "get up" i yelled as i threw my bottle of beer at his house. i heard to door unlocking and backed up a little. my dad appeared at the door and looked at me with a questioning look. "harvey, what are you doing here" he asked, he sounded sober and it was a weird thing. "i needed to tell you something" i angrily told him. "you're a mean old man, you're just a dick and i'm not scared of you anymore" i shouted, my dad slowly walked out his house. i backed up a little.

"harvey, it's 2am and you're drunk just go home" he told me. "no, i don't have a house anymore, you ruined my life, you ruined my entire love life with flora" i shouted at him, stumbling back a little. "harvey just go home" he told me, i shook my head. "you are just a sad old man who's always been mean to everyone, you are just a dick" i shouted as he walked up to me. "what did you say" he angrily asked. "see, you're literally so fucking angry over the smallest things" i laughed. "you dick" he said as he pushed me backwards. i stumbled backwards a little and suddenly heard a beep of a car horn. i turned to face it before i felt the impact of a car hitting me.

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