part 1

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max's pov
i walked down the isle, staring at the smiling face of the man i was about to marry. i've been in love with this man since the first day i met him. i was only 19 but he really rocked my world. we met in a bar, i know clique but i saw him and knew i wanted to marry him right that minute. i didn't want my dad to walk me down the isle, he didn't even show up, neither did my mum. they hadn't spoken to me since i was 16 and moved out. instead harvey was there, right by my side just like he's been ever since day one. luckily tilly and leo were also here, as my best man and ring barer.

after me and joshua, or as everyone calls him josh, exchanged our vows and did everything else it was time for the afterparty. we all had drinks and just truly, it was the best day of my life. after everything was over, it was just me a joshua. we were laying in bed next to each other, we were both quite drunk. "i love you, im so glad we got married" i smiled as i cuddled into him and drifted off to sleep.

i woke up, the bed next to me was empty. i got a little sad but i guessed josh was away at work or something. i turned over and tried getting back to sleep but before i was actually asleep i got disrupted by someone jumping on my back. i groaned and rolled over to be met by the smiling face of gracie, our daughter. "morning daddy" she shouted at the top her lungs. "morning sweetie" i smiled and she sat on my stomach. "wheres daddy" i asked her. "he away but uncle harweys here" she laughed a little and jumped down, running off.

i stood up and and pulled on a jumper. i walked out my bedroom and into the living room. i saw harvey sitting on the couch with gracie on his knee. "morning sleepy head" he said as we hugged slightly. "yeah" i said with a groggy voice. "did you have a rough night last night" he asked me, i nodded a little and poured myself a coffee out of the coffee machine that josh must have made. "joshua let me in by the way, then he left to go to the shop" harvey told me, i nodded and drank my coffee. "daddy, can we go to the park" gracie asked me. "sure, maybe uncle harvey can come" i smiled, gracie looked at harvey and harvey nodded.

i got myself ready and harvey helped get gracie ready. we got into my car and i drove to the park. we got out the car and gracie ran over to the monkey bars. me and harvey sat on the bench that was next to the park. "leo's birthdays next week, the big 24" harvey smiled, i nodded "yeah i got the invite his girlfriend sent out" i rubbed my eye a little. "yeah what's her name again" harvey asked me. "uh its something like amanda" i said trying to think. "oh miranda" harvey said as i nodded. "yeah, cant wait to see them, when was it last. tilly's birthday" i smiled.

gracie came running over and jumped up, harvey pulled her up and sat her on his knee. "you all puffed out" he asked, she nodded. i heard my phone ping and so i took it out. i saw that i had a text from my husband. he just told me that he was home. "do you want to go see daddy" i asked gracie, she nodded and jumped off harveys knee before running over to the car. i unlocked it and she climbed in, me and harvey walked over to the car and got in. i drove back home.

we got home and i got gracie out, i saw joshua open the door and gracie ran up and hugged him. i smiled. "right im going to go, but i'll see you at leo's birthday" harvey said, i smiled and we gave each other a hug before he left. i walked into the house and hugged josh "hey" he gave me a kiss and we both smiled.

harvey's pov
it was time for leo's birthday party, as always it was probably just going to be me, max, leo and tilly and whoever leo and tilly happen to be dating. unfortunately for me i don't have a girlfriend, i want one but im too busy with work, but i'll find one eventually.

i got into my car and drove to leo's hosue, where the party was being held. i saw max and tilly's car sitting outside. as always i was the last one here. i grabbed the present i had gotten leo and got out the car. i walked up to the door and walked in "hey" i shouted. "oh harvey" miranda, leo's girlfriend, smiled "everyones just out the back" i nodded and walked out the back to see everyone standing talking to each other. "oh there he is, late as always" leo laughed. "good to see you" he smiled and hugged me. i gave him a hug and handed him his present. "harvey, good to see you again" me and max gave each other a hug. "ah tilly" i smiled as i hugged her. "harvey" she hugged me, "this is isaac" tilly informed me, i shook his hand. "nice to meet you" i smiled and let go of his hand. "anyone want a drink" i asked, walking over to the drinks table. "just water for me" tilly smiled, i turned around. that's when i noticed she was pregnant. "congrats" i smiled, she nodded "thanks".

i grabbed myself a beer and stood beside leo. "oh happy birthday" i smiled at him, he smiled back. "thanks" leo replied. "unlce harwey" gracie yelled running over to me, i put my beer down and picked her up "hey" i kissed her cheek. "come on trampowine wif me" she asked. "okay" i smiled and put her down. "why do you have a trampoline again" i asked leo "for when we have kids" leo smiled, i nodded and walked over.

after i got puffed out on the trampoline i got off and luckily the food was being served. everyone sat down and miranda gave everyone a burger. "thanks" we all said one after each other. i put what i wanted on mine. we all ate quite silent. once we had finished we all started talking, just having a laugh. i wanted to live in this moment forever, i felt fully complete.

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