part 6

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max's pov
me and joshua were in our apartment. we didn't have much to do since we didn't have gracie with us. we wanted to be alone but we forgot what it was like you know. we decided to go exploring but first we were going to face time harvey to speak with him and gracie. i called him and immediately saw gracie. it was very blurred and up close. "hey daddy" she yelled and smiled. "hey sweetie, where's uncle harvey" i asked her. she shrugged "i don't know" she laughed. "i'll go see his woom" she jumped off the couch and walked over to harvey's room. i heard her open the door and shout at harvey. "harwey get up" gracie yelled. i laughed as joshua came and sat down. i heard harvey groan and we both laughed. "alright i'm up" he groggily said. gracie went over and jumped on his knee and handed him his phone. "oh hey max" he smiled slightly, his hair was all messed up and he looked hungover.

harvey's pov
i was peacefully asleep when suddenly i was bombarded with gracie yelling at me to get up. i groaned and sat up. i rubbed my eyes to try wake myself up a bit more. i was definitely hungover "alright i'm up" i smiled about to fall back asleep. gracie ran over to me and i pulled her up onto my knee. she handed me my phone, i saw she was on facetime with max "oh hey max" i smiled and noticed my hair was such a mess. "harvey what's happening" i heard flora say, shit i forgot she stayed over. "who's that" max asked. "uh, no one lets go into the living room" i smiled at gracie as i went through to the living room. gracie luckily followed me. "so how is everything" max asked. "it's fine actually, she took a bit of time getting to sleep last night but all in all she's been well behaved" i smiled. "that's good, just tell us if she's a bother or you're stuck" he smiled. "okay will do" i smiled, i was about to hang up when max started talking again.

"gracie can you go play for a minute i want to speak with uncle harvey" he asked, gracie ran away into her room. "wassup" i asked "so who was that, why was there a woman in your bed" he asked me. "look she's a girl that i like and we may or may not have hooked up last night but it's okay gracie was asleep and didn't see anything" i reassured him. "well duh, how do you think we have sex" he asked me, "i just assumed you don't" i laughed, they laughed too. "okay well harvey were going to go, we have a big day planned" joshua smiled. "okay have fun" i smiled, they hung up and i just put my phone away. god i was so hungover, i lay down on the couch and tried to get some more sleep.

flora's pov
after harvey left the room i managed to get a bit more sleep. maybe an hour or so before i was awake fully. i sat up and grabbed a top that was on the floor and pulled it on. i walked out and saw him laying on the couch, topless. i smiled as i went over to wake up. "who are you" i heard a little girl ask, i turned around and saw a little girl standing at a door. "i'm flora, i'm your dads friend" i smiled, she looked a little familiar but i didn't know from where. "harwey is not my dad, he's my uncle" she informed me. "oh well i'm sorry" i apologised. i woke harvey up, he opened his eyes and sat up. "harwey how do you know her" the girl asked him. he looked at her then at me and smiled. "she's my friend" he smiled and took my hand. "you're weird" the girl said, both of us laughed.

harvey made the girl breakfast and was making me some when i went into the kitchen. "so who is she" i asked him. "god you must have been very drunk" he laughed. "she's my niece, her name is gracie and she is currently living with me because max and his husband are on holiday" he smiled. "oh so that's where i recognise her from, last night" i laughed slightly. "damn, but you remember us hooking up right" he asked me. i shook my head. "but maybe we can remake that memory" i smirked at him. he smiled "just maybe not today, gracies got nursery and i've got work" he told me, i nodded "maybe when gracies gone" i smiled and gave him a kiss. "ew" gracie shouted as she threw a pillow at us.

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