part 9

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max's pov
harvey had invited us to a party to celebrate the birth of his son, james. we had obviously all decided to go. harvey had always wanted to be a dad and i was glad he was finally getting the chance to be a dad. it was fun but hella stressful at times. "alright out we get" i said as i lifted gracie out of the car. unfortunately joshua couldn't be here because he was currently away on a business trip. "here why don't you take this to aunt flora" i smiled to gracie as i handed her my present to them. gracie smiled and ran inside, i grabbed something for harvey before shutting the door and locking my car. i walked into harvey's house to see gracie sitting on the couch with james in her arms. "that escalated fast" i joked. we had lunch and had to send the kids for a nap, gracie definitely needed one and so did james as he was just a baby.

harvey's pov
we were all sitting down the stairs having a good time when i heard a knock at the door. "i'll get it" i smiled as i stood up and walked to the door. i laughed at something i heard max say as i opened the door. i saw none other than my dad standing there. "harvey" my dad drunkenly smiled. "who is it" max asked as he walked through, he looked at who it was and went sheet white. "max" my dad nodded towards him, as if not as glad to see him. "how are my boys" my dad burped. "daddy" gracie sheepishly said as she came from down the stairs. max looked at her and picked her up. "how did you sleep" max asked. "is that your daughter" my dad asked max, max looked at him and nodded. "so i have a granddaughter i didn't know about" he asked. "who's that" gracie asked. "no one" max said as he took gracie away.

we stood there for a couple more seconds. "are you not going to invite me in" my dad asked, as if it was something i should do to the man i haven't seen in 10 years. "no, i'm not" i told him, still standing in his way of getting in. "cant i at least see my granddaughter" he asked, trying to budge past me. "i don't think that's a good idea" i told him, nudging him back slightly. "why not, why am i not allowed to see my granddaughter" he asked me, falling slightly and regaining his balance quickly. "hmm, let me see; maybe the face you haven't seen us in 10 years, the fact you disowned max, the fact you abused us" i got angrier and angrier. "i never abused you, don't say that. i only got you into line every so often" he snapped. "no, no you didn't. that might be a hazy memory for you but i remember, i remember everything" i told him, trying not to shout as james was still sleeping,

"i didn't do shit" my dad told me. "oh yeah, you didn't do shit, i have scars on my body which would definitely beg to differ" i was trying to hard not to yell. "i remember those nights of being terrified that you would just find something else to hit us about, god i was so glad to get away when i was 16" i told him. "you were a shit dad and i'm not letting you into my child's life to just fuck him up as well" i told him. that's when he slapped me "you don't speak to your father like that" his voice bellowed. it was as if i was a 14 year old boy again, reliving all those times in that cold dirty basement only waiting for the next time you'd be his victim. "right leave" max said as came up behind me and shoved my dad away. "leave now or i will phone the police" max told him. "okay, i'm leaving" he said as he walked away. i shut the door and sighed, "are you okay" max asked me. i shrugged "it was as if i was back there, as if i was still that scared little kid" i told max. "i'm a grown up, i shouldn't be scared of him anymore, but i am. i'm still so terrified" i said to him. he gave me a hug. i stood there hugging max, knowing that he was always by my side always made me feel better. no matter what.

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