part 13

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harvey's pov
me and max had planned everything perfectly. all we needed to do was get flora to come over to max's without raising suspicion. it was quite easy for max to lie to her and say that he thought they should hang out with their kids. i waited on the couch until there was a knock at the door, max went and opened it and there stood flora. she walked in and she looked beautiful. i smiled a little at her before she saw me, "no" flora immediately said. "no, flora please" i begged, she stared at me. "did i not make i clear that i don't ever want to talk to you again, after what you said to me, how you hurt me" she told me as she walked right up to me. i saw she had slight tears in her eyes. "look i said i was sorry, it was a drunken mistake. please just give me another chance" i apologised softly. "harvey just give it up, at least for now" flora softly said as she turned and left. max stared at me, "harvey are you okay" he asked me. i didn't say anything and just left. i got into my car and drove.

i drove aimlessly, wanting to just escape from what i was feeling. it was hard to explain, it felt like my entire world had just crumbled right in front of my eyes. it was just a drunken mistake. i had to go and make my sadness leave. i pulled over outside a 7/11 and got out. i went in and bought a lot of alcohol. i payed for it and immediately left. i put it all in my car and drove away. i found a nice spot and parked my car. immediately downing a few cans of beer. i just didn't care at this point, nobody cared about me either. clearly flora didn't even want to see me again and max was nice but he had his own family. it just reminded me of being alone, those nights sitting in my apartment feeling as though nobody was there for me. the nights i just wanted someone to laugh and joke around with. then flora came along, she gave me what i wanted. i finally had that person i could laugh and joke with. then i threw it away, and for what. i didn't get anything out of it. all i got was the feeling of emptiness, the feeling of being alone. the worst feeling in the world.

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