part 10

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harvey's pov
i'd finally gotten back to work, it was a lot more fun to see my work friends again. i missed being around flora and james all day but i was glad to get out of the house and talk to someone who wasn't my family. the day went quite fast and i guess it was because i was having fun. i got home and saw flora passed out on the couch. i smiled a little because she just looked so peaceful. i went to check on james and found he was crying as he'd woken up. i walked in a shushed him, picking him up. he began to stop crying as i rocked him in my arms. i wanted flora to sleep as much as she could as she was usually up during the night with james needing fed. so i decided to stop him from waking her up. he eventually drifted back off to sleep and i put him back in his cot. i smiled and left the room to make myself a coffee to wake myself up.

max's pov
it was weird to not have harvey around a lot of the time. he had not been over in like weeks, i get he was busy but like me and joshua could help. i decided not to bother harvey as he was probably very stressed. i knew the way he could be. i just wanted him to be happy, but i'd noticed he'd been acting strange. ever since my dad he's been more distant. i wanted to know what was wrong and if i could do anything to help him. it was like he just wasn't a person anymore, but i guess that happens when you have kids. that's what happened to me and joshua. i decided to go round to see him and let gracie she her younger cousin, she really does love james. he was a baby so who doesn't.

tilly's pov
me and isaac were round at harvey's, i was helping him look after james as flora had went out and harvey had just crumbled. "so do you get it" i asked him after showing him how to change a nappy. he nodded "i think so yeah" he then tried it and managed to do it. "there you go" i smiled and patted his back. "just like roles reversed" harvey laughed, "yeah like when you taught me to tie my shoelaces" i smiled, we put our baby's down for a nap and went to the living room. "you remember that" he asked, i nodded. "yeah" i smiled "still helps me to this day" i continued, looking down at my shoes. we both sat down on the couch and sighed.

"god i'm glad things turned out the way they did" i smiled, harvey looked at me a little confused. "you mean your glad mum and dad used to treat us like shit" he asked, getting a little mad, i only shrugged. "to an extent, cause if they hadn't then we would be living a completely different life" i justified my thoughts. "yeah we'd live a simpler life: a life where we can talk to our parents, a life where i don't have to be terrified of my own father, a life where your parents love you" harvey said, getting sadder the more he listed things. "i-i'm sorry" i apologised as he looked like he was going to cry. "it's fine" he said rubbing his eyes. then max walked in. "oh sorry" max apologised. "it's fine, i'm just leaving" i told him as i got ready and carefully took lauren as to not wake her and left.

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