part 11

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max's pov
gracie had went off to play with flora and me and harvey were in the living room. "so what was that about, the whole tilly thing" i questioned him. "she just said something that annoyed me" harvey told me as he took a bottle of beer out the fridge. he offered me one but i turned it down, "i'm good thanks" i smiled. he opened the beer and took a drink "god i'm so tired" he complained as he crashed onto the couch. we got to talking about how james had been doing and how harvey had been coping with being a new dad. "what about being a dad, is that scary to you" i asked him, he nodded slightly. "yeah, because there's always a thing in the back of my head telling me i'm going to turn out just like him" harvey said, an obvious note of sadness in his voice. "harvey, you're the best dad i've ever seen and any kid would be lucky to have you as their dad" i told him, he smiled at me.

harvey had drunk a good 5 beers by the time gracie came through "daddy i'm getting hungry" she complained to me. i nodded "what do you have to eat" i asked harvey. "you've got, sandwich and fridge things" harvey said, slurring his words a little. "are you okay there" i joked. i stood up and went into the kitchen, finding something for gracie to eat. i quickly made her a sandwich. "can you get me another beer" harvey called through, i sighed and opened a beer for him. i brought it through and place it in front of him on the table. "thanks" he smiled as he sat up and took a drink.

harvey's pov
"you better be careful with that" flora warned me as she came through with james. "oh shut up, who cares" i told her, taking another drink. "i care, i don't want you passed out before we can have some alone time" flora smiled a little. "what alone time" i slurred my words. "you're always off doing something for him, it's like i don't even exist" i complained. "okay" flora laughed slightly "i apologise, maybe we should make a date night" flora suggested. "oh that'd be grand, only for us to pass out cause we're just so tried" i nagged at flora. "harvey, look - stop being a dick" max told me, i stood up. "ooo, look it's mr max to the rescue" i impersonated him. "oh max come save me, i need your help max" i impersonated flora. "okay harvey seriously you're being a dick and it needs to stop" flora snapped at me. "oh flora, shut up, i don't care about you - fuck i only wanted a shag and now we've got a fucking kid together" i snapped at flora. "get out" flora told me. "what" i asked, she spoke very quietly. "get the fuck out of my house" she screamed at me. "fine i'll be glad to leave" i shouted and left.

i was very drunk and i managed to get to the end of the drive before max came running over to me. "right harvey, come on i'll take you to mine to stay" max told me. "fuck off" i pushed him off. "harvey, just get in the car" max angrily told me. "no, i'm not getting in a fucking car with you, ever" i snapped back at him. "stop being so caring, it's annoying and suffocating" i told him. "fine, but just don't come to me and ask for anything again" max said as he took gracie and walked away. i turned around and began stumbling away. i must have gotten five minutes away from my house when i passed out.

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