part 7

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harvey's pov
gracie was finally picked up by max and joshua and i had invited flora over as it would be our first night alone together. i made sure to get some alcohol for us, we don't have to drink we just like to. i sat watching tv until flora came over. i opened the door for her and she walked in, taking off her coat as she did. "hey" she smiled, "hey" i smiled back. she threw her coat on the counter and started kissing me, i pulled away a little "don't you want to wait a little" i asked, she shook her head. "look i've waited long enough" she told me, leaning in to kiss me again. "it's only been like a week" i told her "that's a week too long" she laughed and kissed me. i started kissing her back. i pushed her through to the bedroom and pushed her on the bed slightly.

i lay there, staring at the ceiling. i looked at flora and smiled "that was amazing" i smiled. we both sat up and started getting our clothes back on. "do you want a drink" i asked as i pulled on a hoodie, "yeah i'll take some wine" she smiled. i walked through into the kitchen and poured flora some wine. i got myself a beer and took them into the living room. flora came through to join me in the living room, "what do you wanna watch" i asked her as i turned on the tv. "i don't mind, whatever you want" flora smiled and gave me a quick kiss. i sighed and just stuck on brooklyn 99 again. we continued drinking and continued having fun while watching the tv.

max's pov
me and joshua got home and collected gracie from harvey's. he had explained that she was fine all last week and had not been a problem. we quickly left and got back to our own house, we were both so tired. "right i have to get this spreadsheet done" i said as i stood up and walked into my office. "god okay" i reassured myself as i turned on the laptop and started working. i was so tired but my boss wanted me done this as soon as possible and now was as soon as possible. i wasn't even nearly done when gracie came running in. "daddy daddy play with me" she asked, "not right now sweetie go play with other daddy" i told her. "ugh you're no fun" she told me as she stormed away, i sighed and had to keep working.

i was finally finished my work and had sent it to my boss. "josh" i asked as i walked through to see him and gracie watching sophia the first. "yeah" he asked. "are we getting a takeaway tonight" i asked him, he nodded. "i was thinking that, yeah" he smiled, i nodded. "okay should we just get a chinese" i questioned, he nodded. "yeah just get the usual" he told me, i nodded and went to go order it as it was getting quite late. it didn't take long for the chinese to get here, i helped set out everything and everyone was having a bit of everything. it was very fun and me and josh got to catch up with gracie and what she had been doing for the past week. we were genuinely just having a good time and having the best time we could.

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