part 3

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max's pov
i was awoken at the crack of dawn with a little child jumping on my back. "ugh" i groaned "come on daddy get up" she shouted. "how do you have so much energy" i asked her. "because i'm 3 and i don't understand the concept of tiredness" she smiled. "when did you get so smart" i asked her, she just laughed. "right come on, i'll get you breakfast" i smiled as she jumped down, i stood up and walked through to the kitchen. "what do you want" i asked her. "ummmm waffles" she shouted. i nodded and put some waffles on for her. "i wuv you daddy" gracie smiled. "i love you too" i smiled back.

i gave gracie her waffles with chocolate spread. "just like uncle harwey" gracie smiled. "yeah just like uncle harvey" i smiled as poured myself a coffee. "what do you wanna do today" i asked gracie while she was eating. "swimming" she smiled with chocolate all over her face. i laughed and got her swimming stuff ready, i packed our bags and before we knew it we were at the swim centre.

harvey's pov
today was my only day off, i wanted to go see max but i thought i should maybe leave it as i was over there almost everyday. while deciding on what to do i went out for a walk to my local coffee shop with my laptop. i ordered myself a cup of tea and sat in the corner on my laptop. i know it was my day off but i started looking for beats and started brainstorming ideas for songs. i wasn't in the music industry anymore but i still liked trying to make songs. i had my headphones in, probably listening to it too loud. "sir" someone tapped me on the shoulder, i turned around and saw the barista. "can you please turn your music down" she asked me politely. "oh yeah, i'm so sorry" i apologised as i turned my volume down. "wait, are you harvey mills" she asked me, i nodded. "no way, me and my sister used to love you and your brother when we were younger" she told me. "oh cool" i smiled. she was called back to do her job so i just kind of left it.

i was packing up to go home, i walked out the shop and was about to start walking when the same barista bumped into me. "oh my god. i'm so sorry" she apologised. "hey, it's you again" she laughed, i laughed a little too. "where are you going, maybe i could walk you" i asked "sure" she smiled. "i meant to ask, what do you do now anyways" she asked, a little into our walk. "you and your brother kind of just disappeared" she added. "i'm actually in construction now" i told her. "what about your brother" she asked, i was beginning to get the feeling she didn't know his name. "he's settled down a bit more, he's in the financial industry" i informed her. "what about you, a barista can't be all you do" i smiled. "um i'm actually writing a book currently" she told me. "oh that's cool, what's it about" i asked. she proceeded to tell me all about her book that she's only about half way writing. it sounded quite good. "well i'll definitely read that" i smiled. "at least i got one supporter" she laughed. "well this is me" she smiled. "can i get your number or something, so maybe we can do this again" i asked her. she nodded and i handed her my phone. "well nice to meet you flora" i smiled and started walking away.

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