part 15

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max's pov
me and joshua arrived at the hospital after flora phoned to explain that harvey was there. gracie started running around, i really hoped he was okay i don't know what it would do to gracie if something happened to him. plus little james would have to grow up without his dad which i think is just so upsetting. i waited unitl i saw flora flying through the doors, she looked at me with tear filled eyes. i stood up and she run over and hugged me "have you heard anything" she asked, i shook my head. "not yet but go check at reception" i told her. she walked up to reception and i looked over at joshua to make sure he was okay with james, he was already crawling and i know that can be tough. gracie came running up to me and jumped to me knee "daddy can we go this is boring" she asked, i shook my head. "no baby, remember we're here for a special reason okay" i smiled, she sighed and ran off to joshua. flora walked back to me and stood in front of me "we can go see him but he's currently under sedation and might be a bit iffy" she smiled at me. i nodded. i walked over to joshua and smiled "do you want to come see him" i asked, joshua shook his head. "i'll stay with the kids" he smiled. i turned to flora and we walked off to harvey's room.

flora's pov
we walked into harvey's room and he looked all bashed and bruised and didn't even have his eyes open. i looked at him and then at max, i wanted to cry. it was so hard to see the man i loved sitting there. i walked over to harvey and he looked almost dead. his face was a mess, i went to bottom of his bed and read the things on his medical report. "car accident" i told max. "let me see" max said as he took the paper. he read all the injuries and details before looking at me. "he's in a coma" he informed me, a little bit of tears in his eyes. we decided to just sit and chat with him, i've never had to be with someone in a coma before. i just hoped he would wake up soon and he could come back and live with me and james. if not then i guess we could just come back and visit a lot. i mean a lot. i don't want harvey to be alone anymore, i know how bad he was before i came along. i felt so guilty that this is how it happened and i was just being stubborn and i could have actually just forgiven him and none of this would have happened.

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