River to the Rescue

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"Now," River aimed his guns at the three men. "I don't like to intrude on the affairs of others. Problem enough keeping my own life straight. Somethin's not my affair, I don't like to pretend it is. Contrary wise, that woman there is under my care. Therefore, if you want trouble with her, you gonna have some with me." 

Adrenaline sharpened River's senses. His pupils dilated and his pulse raced. He tightened his clammy grip on his twin guns. The wind howled in his ear. He heard the murmuring of town folk in the road behind him but nothing would deter his focus. 

He wished he had more hands to hold more guns because if anyone hurt her they'd get more than two smoking barrels. The gunshots would do these bastards good. It'd make them far holier than they could otherwise ever be. 

A blonde man standing in the middle of the three men group cackled and stepped forward, "Mister, who the fuck do you think you ar-" 

Bang! Gunfire echoed like a clap of thunder. A bullet whizzed past the man's ear. He hunched forward screaming in pain, clutching the shell of his ear while it bled. 

"Listen here you little shit, all I's got to do is aim a little to the left and you'll wake up on your back, sucking dicks in hell," Ellie rolled her eyes, her chagrin growing at River's brashness.

"What kinda hand is your friend with a gun, Girl?" Rich whispered rhetorically behind her. 

The corner of Ellie's lips pulled into a satisfied smile as she witnessed their frightened faces. She folded her arms, feeling smug now that the tables were turned. That all overish tingly sensation a person had while watching justice be served or just these four assholes getting their comeuppance. 

Somehow, given that it was at the point of River's gun felt even better. No one had ever stood up for her not even her family. They were never in a position to, not without quick and brutal retribution. It was strange that the first person to take up this mantle would be this white man coming up against his own kind.

"Why don't you and your friends let me go or you 'bout to find out." Ellie spun on her heel. Upon observing such confidence, Rich visibly paled. His gaze met with the barrel of River's gun.

"C-come one fellas, let's get the hell out of here," He stammered, rushed past her like a scolded dog. His three friends were smart enough to follow suit.

"You know, this ain't gonna raise your popularity with your fellow white folk," Ellie grumbled jutting her chin at the gathering crowd behind River in the main road. 

River shrugged nonchalantly as he holstered his guns, "Question I wake up to in the morning and fall asleep to a night--What's my popularity with my fellow white folk?" 

"I'd like someone to tell me what in the fuck is goin' forward in this town," A man in a tan ten-gallon hat and a shiny new star on his breast stepped into the alley. 

"Nothing for you to worry about, Sheriff. Those boys were just giving my friend here a hard time." River said pulling Ellie underneath the protection of his arm. She didn't have to strain to hear the audible gasps of onlookers. Being so familiar with a negro woman wasn't exactly commonplace but Ellie knew better than to run her mouth. 

"I see." The man said scratching the greying stubble on his chin. "Nonetheless, I suggest you and your girl there get on about your business and leave. We don't permit niggers in town after sunset." 

River tipped his dingy brown hat at the man. "I thank you kindly but I'm in need of some tending for one of my laborers. He fell ill and I'd like someone to take a look at 'im. I'm willing to pay top dollar for the service." He offered with a lift of his chin.

"I'm also the doctor here in town, Charlie Hutchins. On account of what these boys put you through. I'll take a look at your nigger for free." 

Ellie's fist clenched at her sides. She'd heard these words her whole life and every time she did, they unfolded anger that seemed without end. "I will ask you kindly, Suh. Have a care about the manner in which you regard me and my family." 

Charlie's nose crinkled and his lip pulled up over his teeth, "Is this nigger talking to me?"

River rolled his eyes and sighed, Ellie just made the task ten times harder. Would it have killed her to keep quiet a few moments longer? 

"Eleanor, get back to the wagon, now!" River ground out but kept his eye on Charlie's hand which sat curiously upon his weapon. Ellie had just made the task of protecting her exponentially more difficult.

Ellie startled at River's words. Her face marked with a deep grimace as she regarded him. She had a lengthy, scalding retort prepared when it suddenly felt like the grip of icy fingers wrapped around her throat. Her eyes floated to Charlie. He was no longer alone. Most of the town was gathered behind him along with a lot more guns. Her efforts would only result in their deaths including River's.

She wasn't sure why she felt a deep sadness at the thought of River's demise. Or why it should bother her but it did. She was wary of the Sheriff. The feeling was coming from him. Part of his aura was coated with black. He was most assuredly an evil man and Ellie didn't need the shine to see it. His aura was influencing the men around him. Embittered, Ellie nodded curtly before turning and making for the wagon. 


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