Ellie's Confession

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Ellie turned to her side as the gunfire slowed and agony-filled cries quieted. The firm body which laid across her was gone. Its absence, keenly felt. She felt naked, exposed, and unsafe without him.

'River?' she thought as her eyes searched the distance. Dust clouded her vision and filled her nostrils.

He groaned in a low deep voice. Her head snapped around to find him. He lay on his back with his eyes closed in the space between her and the villainous Clyde. The grey cloth on his shoulder was steeped in his blood. She watched in horror as his breathing slowed.

"No. No. No. Not like this. Not yet. Not now," She cried, crawling to him.

Throwing her arm across him, she pressed her cheek against his chest. Tears silently escaped her, dripping on the crisp cotton of his sun-beaten shirt. She breathed the scent that was only his; whiskey and horses. She didn't know how she'd endure losing him too.

His heavy breath fanned across her cheek. Pain clung to him, his body was rigid. He was so hard it hurt to hold him. But she did. She held him as hard as she could.

She lifted her head sniffing through her tears and put her mouth to the shell of his ear. He needed to know that she wasn't afraid of his feelings anymore. He needed to know how she felt.

"Please... River, don't leave me."

The tension in his body eased a bit then his arms came around her in a stronghold, gripping her until breathing was nigh impossible.

"Why aren't you running?" He whispered, "You shouldn't be here Ellie. I need to keep you safe."

She smoothed a stray lock away from his brow, "Why would I run? It ain't in my nature."

She pressed her lips to his neck then press them again to the softness of his lips. Once she kissed him, his heart slowed and every muscle in his body relaxed.

His fingers threaded through her hair. He pressed her even closer. How much he needed Ellie terrified him. He couldn't imagine love was like this for everyone or men would be walking around like lunatics the second they were old enough to notice women.

Perhaps it was just him. Perhaps it was just him and her. Maybe together they violated all the rules that governed love and social convention. Either way, it seemed that the moment he met her, his life turned upside down and he didn't want it any other way.

He winced as their kiss ended. She gasped her eyes flying to his shoulder.

"River, you're hurt!" She coddled him, as she examined his injured shoulder.

"I'll be alright, Ellie. It's just a flesh wound but we need to go." No truer words were spoken as more shots fired above them.

"Come on," He commanded pushing to his feet. Clutching her hand in his he weaved and bobbed through the exchange of fire moving to the saddled horses.

"River!" Maskwa hobbled down the hill, hiding behind trees from enemy fire. Ellie and River stopped in their tracks as he approached. He reloaded and shot a man before taking another step. "Get Mistanask out of here! We will find you. Go now!"

River nodded before pulling Ellie hard behind him.

"Wait, River!" She begged, digging her heels in to stop him.

"Ellie, we need to get out of here." His face pleaded with her.

Her features twisted with displeasure, "What about Clyde?"

River looked back at Clyde's still body. "He's probably dead anyway Ellie and we'll be too if we don't get the fuck outta here."

He turned tugging her behind him. They ran reaching the horses. River mounted the closes mare, pulling Ellie in the seat before him before they rode hard away from the clearing. 

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