The Forgotten Serpent

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"I say again. What the fuck are you doing here, Collins? How did you even find us?" Ellie's outstretched arm leaned against the kitchen counter. She shivered as if it took all her strength just to hold her upright. As if with the slightest provocation that arm would fold under her weight.

River wanted to reach out. He wanted to hold her but feared her rejection. He smiled, "I'm a tracker remember? One of the best. It wasn't hard to find you. A black woman living with the Cree people. I'd say at least six different people you traded with knew where you were. They were keen on sharing the information." He risked taking another step, aching to feel her in his arms, "And I'd say what brought me here is a continuum of terrible choices," He tried to break up the tension with levity.

"Why am I not surprised you'd say some stupid shit like that? Everything is a fucking joke to you," She shut her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Collins, you can't arbitrarily decide you want to be a part of my life. Who the hell died and made you king! I have children now and responsibilities." She continued.

"You had my children. And I feel such shame knowing that you didn't feel you could count on me to raise 'em up wit you." He answered in a matter-of-fact way that held her gaze.

"They ain't yours." She bluffed, flushing red before looking away.

"You gonna lie straight to my face like that Ellie. Anyone could see dem girls favor me more than you." He stepped back. He found himself displeased that he'd missed so much of his children's lives. He wanted to be angry with her but he knew it wasn't her fault.

Ellie's gaze fell to the floor. She wanted to tell him the truth but she couldn't. He'd have more reason, he'd have more right to stay or even take her girls from her. She couldn't let him in.

She looked up. He was still staring at her barely an arm's length between them. She shouldn't let him be so close. She'd been alone for years. Sure, she had Maskwa and the tribe. But the truth of it was, she'd waited for him. For years and years, she waited.

Now that she'd finally found him. He wasn't the man she remembered. Sure he turned up sooty and covered in dirt. But no amount of filth could hide that he came up on some money. She was willing to bet he'd use that stolen loot.

"I cannot let my precious girls be raised by some hoodlum. We had a nice moment back then, Collins but that's all it was. You know the truth of it. The real truth. The minute this shit gets hard you'll tuck tail and run." She folded her arms glaring at him.

"Good." He said with a chuckle, "Judge me. Take apart everything I ever said. Strip me of every action I've ever taken. Then know, for certain, that I mean it when I tell you I love you and I am not leaving. Not without you and my girls."

"Congratulations, Mr

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"Congratulations, Mr. Collins, you just purchased yourself four hundred acres of the finest land." The man had the broadest smile he'd ever seen River thought as the fellow eagerly shook his hand.

"Thank you." River eyed him suspiciously. He wasn't sure if it was because he grinned like a jackass but something about the man seemed offish.

"Do I know you from somewhere Mr. Collins?" The land broker asked him.

"I can't rightly say we've met Mr. Beauford. I thank you kindly for your generosity and I'll take my leave."

The man smoothed a hand over his white mustache as he considered. His eyes lit up as he recognized River, "Ah! That's it! I saw an article about you a ways back. Some fluff piece on how you went from rags to riches. Use to ride with the Utter gang then turned to the right side of the law. Got filthy rich selling gin to boot."

"Don't believe everything you read." River tipped his hat as he stood from the chair and made his way out of the man's small office.

River rode out to Fort Gibson the very same day Ellie refused to have him. Without so much as a 'by your leave', he purchased all the land that her home sat on and the forest surrounding it. The fella that supposedly owned the property was all too happy to sell it. He'd been in conflict with the Cree Nation who settled nearby.

River figured he owed Maskwa for everything he'd done. He'd return the land to its rightful owners, the Cree Nation. But first, he'd use it to get close to Eleanor Sweeten and weaken her resolve. He smiled lightly tapping the deed in his coat jacket.

He shook his head, giggling at his cleverness, and even whistled a tune as he bounced down the short steps to fetch his horse. Little did he know a pair of grey eyes watched him from the distance.

Cloaked and hooded, the figure stole its way into the office River had just vacated. A knife large as a short sword, likely as sharp too, pointed at the tip of Mr. Beauford's bulbous nose.

"You gonna tell me all about the business you transacted with that gentleman who just walked outta here, River Collins." Clyde's disfigured face cracked into a heinous smile.

" Clyde's disfigured face cracked into a heinous smile

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