A Time To Cry

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Jolene's heart fell to her feet as she witnessed River in the cabin doorway pulling Ellie to his chest. His mouth eagerly devouring her but savoring her all at once. Ellie's reciprocation made the taste in her mouth go rancid. He released her reluctantly before stepping from the front porch in the wee hours of the morning.

To think she'd just ridden for hours, killed a handful of men, and risked her own life to save Ellie, the ungrateful bitch. Just to watch her take everything that mattered to her with a single kiss. She knew Ellie was sweet on River but Jolene hoped there'd be too much distance between them to any romance flourish. She'd even helped create that distance when she could. But all of her efforts had come to nothing. River never considered her in the least.

She watched as he fumbled with his shirt fastenings. It didn't take a mind-reader to know he'd been with her in a very biblical sense. It had finally happened. She knew it might happen one day would but she'd just hoped she wouldn't have to witness it.

Her body felt as if it was collapsing on itself. Her shoulders curled over her chest. An ache began between her breast. Her hand flew up, fisting the material there as her breathing came faster.

River finally sees her. His posture sagged and the genuine smile on his face vanished. Ellie thankfully disappeared into the house. They shared a brief but painful glance. His caterpillar-thick brows drew together in an empathetic frown.

He broke the gaze focusing on hurriedly finishing the last few buttons of his worn shirt then his open trousers before rushing toward her.

Jolene's gaze dropped downward. She couldn't look at him. The pity on his face made the hitching in her chest worse. An uncontrollable shuddering wracked her body, shaking her to the bone.

Large hands reached for her. Sympathy was clear as he uttered with an emotion-filled voice, "Jo-"

"I hate you," She breathed, tears dotted her flushed cheeks. She paused to wipe furiously at her face. She hated her weakness. She hated that she loved him. That she'd gone through hell to find him only to be rejected.  "I hate you, cause I'll have to wonder for the rest of my fucking life why I wasn't enough!" She shouted.

She turned away from him clutching at her stomach as if they were the only things keeping her from falling apart.

River was speechless. Had he known how hard this would be for Jolene he would have been more careful. He was just so damn happy that Ellie was finally giving him the time of day that he could think of little else.

Maskwa as usual was not far off. He crept quietly in the dim light despite the fact that he still nursed an injury.

"You know that Mistanask cannot remain here. It is no longer safe. She cannot remain with you. You bring danger. She deserves a life of peace, a life of love." He stated in a cold and sterile voice. "Whatever you two shared dies here. Bury it with what's left of her old life."

River turned angry eyes on Maskwa. He wanted to rail at him. He wanted to tell him he was wrong. He would do right by Ellie.

His fists clenched at his sides and his jaw rooted. He was ready with a sharp retort but he heard Ellie's soft voice over the rage that roiled through him.

"Maskwa!," She cried, racing to him.

Maskwa smiled. The act was eerie and frightening as he was always so serious. He embraced her wholeheartedly. Another fact which surprised River as Maskwa preferred to avoid physical contact with others.

"Thank you so much Maskwa. For everything." She said a tear escaping her. "I have no idea what I'm gonna do now but I'm sure I'll figure it out."

His hand clapped her shoulder, "You needn't worry Mistanask," He said with a softer tone than the one he'd used on River. "You are very welcome to join my clan. There you can start a new life, build a new family."

Wide brown eyes turned on River. Her hesitation again kindling hope within him but he knew he couldn't give her the same life Maskwa offered.

He still had a bounty on his head and life on the run was no place for her. Their relationship would never be accepted. They were both likely to be shunned by their respective races and classes. Being ostracized would not bode well for either of them. With his pride set firmly aside he knew that this was best for Ellie, no matter what he felt.

She turned to Maskwa understanding the resignation on River's face. "Thank you Maskwa. I'd love to join y'all if you'll have me."

"You were accepted long before today, Mistanask. I will go and prepare things. Wait for me here. We depart at sunrise." He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze before moving in the direction of the cabin.

When Maskwa was far enough away Ellie gave a nonchalant shrug while facing River, "We were always meant to say goodbye, weren't we?" She questioned.

"Yeah, I think so." His eyes fell to her feet. It took all his strength to keep the turmoil of his emotions in check. "I loved you though. I loved you-so much." He finally regarded her with a slack expression and a break in his voice.

"I know. I know." She answered almost as if she was tired of hearing it.

She rose on the tips of her toes, leaning into him. She suddenly pulled him down to the side to whisper in his ear, "I loved you too." She turned and raced to the house. It was the last time he laid eyes on Ellie. 


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