The Wisdom In Keeping Secrets

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The wagon rolled slowly along the bumpy gravel road. The days were growing warmer, so Ellie peeled back the tarp, laid on her back to stare at the pinkish-purple sky. 

Tendrils of her long brown curls danced in the cool evening breeze. She stretched as far as she could before indulging in a yawn.

Her mother hummed softly as she ran her fingers through her husband's hair. His head lay upon her lap. Ellie was glad to leave Jolene and River driving the wagon. Birds of a feather and all that. Except in their case, she'd be referring to snakes. 

Ellie blew a sigh. She twisted and turned on the hard wooden flooring, angered by her thoughts. River hadn't been able to properly look her in the eye for days following that kiss. 

He just went on pretending that the entire thing never happened. But Ellie couldn't forget how firm his hands felt on her skin. How immovable his body felt against hers. All in direct contrast to the surprising tenderness of his kiss.

"Ellie, you ok?" Her mother inquired. She pressed a bare hand to Ellie's cheek. "You looking flushed. You might be coming down with somethin'."

"I'm alright, Mama," She murmured. "It must be the change in the weather." 

If she were completely honest which she found beyond embarrassing. She would admit that she liked that kiss. Just too bad that it wasn't her first. 

The first was taken from her by force. Flashes of the man's hands tearing at her hair, ripping her clothes, thrusting himself against her, felt as real as the day they happened. She could smell the whiskey on his pungent breath as he hovered above her. His body poised for penetration. her screaming and whimpering only served to invigorate, instead of deterring him.

Fresh tears flowed along either side of her temples. She wiped at them quickly, not wanting her mother to see. Abigail tried so hard to shield Ellie from the obscene appetites of their former master's son. But her mother could not be everywhere at all times.

 And James Buchanan stalked her, cornered her like an animal closing in on its prey. He took what he wanted and Ellie was never the same again. She knew a thing like that could break her mother. And her poor father might try to do something foolish, so she kept it to herself. 

The experience made her cagey in the company of men. But it was with white men she was most guarded. She didn't understand how she could even tolerate River's company or even enjoy his kiss. The tumult raging through her mind stoked the flames of her frustration.

Her hand pressed to her lips trying to recreate the feeling once more. But, she suspected nothing would ever feel as good or as fulfilling as River's body against hers. 

She gasped, suddenly, as a ball of light zipped across the night sky distracting her from darkening thoughts. The orb traveled rapidly from east to west. Her eyes fixed on it in awe as it hovered above their destination, dancing, and spinning. 

She shot to her feet. Gripping the wagon's bow, she eyed her companions. No one seemed to notice the light. No one else except Maskwa. 

He brought his horse to a canter alongside the wagon, right next to her. His gaze shifted to the orb. He was the only other person who could see it. 

"They call it the Devil's Promenade," He said in a voice too low for others besides her to hear. 

"There is an ancient story of a Quapaw maiden who fell in love with a young Brave." He continued never taking his eyes from the light. 

"Her father forbid the marriage because the man did not have a large enough dowry. It is said that the pair eloped. They were pursued by a band of warriors. And according to legend, when they were close to being captured, they joined hands above the Spring River and jumped to their deaths. The light appeared not long after that." 

Ellie's eyes filled with unshed tears. "That is such a tragic story." 

"Yeah," He looked down as he considered. "One of love and loss. The people left this land believing that it was cursed because of what happened to that couple. They believe it is haunted still." He turned his stoic gaze on her. 

A chill shot down Ellie's spine. "Is it?"

He turned his eyes to focus on the road, "I do not believe the land is cursed. I believe that they warn us of the danger that may lie ahead."

Ellie sat resting an elbow along the wagon side. Maskwa never said more than five words to her before. He always watched her, observing her every move in unsettling silence. 

She would never admit that he frightened her. Well, perhaps just a little. But the prospect of uncovering his secrets or hearing his thoughts was too tempting to resist. "If that's what you think, then looks like you're riding into danger with us. Why?"

Something resembling a smile shaped his lips, "The path that I walk is not a usual one. It was foretold that my steps would lead me to a shaman. A person who can commune with the spirit world but this person is not Cree. This outsider will be the greater seer, who will bring peace to my people. I set out years ago to find them." 

Ellie's brows furrowed together, "Is that why you follow that crazy woman around?" 

Something about Jolene being a shamaness didn't sit right with Ellie. It don't take a genius to spot a goat in a flock of sheep but she didn't want to tell Maskwa that. After all, a closed mouth gathers no boots and she never did miss a good chance to shut up. 

Maskwa's sonorous laughter echoed over the hush of the quiet night. his laugher was so queer that Ellie couldn't help but laugh along with him. 

"No, Mistanask." His smile broadened. 

"Mistanask? What does that mean?" Her head cocked curiously to the side. 

"You will know in time. To answer your question; no, Jolene is not the person I seek. She has the spiritual depth of a puddle."

Ellie burst out laughing and once she started she couldn't stop. Even, her mother catechized but her guffawing carried on. 

Wiping a tear from the corner of her eye, Ellie finally composed herself. "Well, Maskwa, I hope you find the person you're looking for." 

His look intensified as he said, "I think I already have." 

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