Sun and Snow

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"Have you heard anything about Jolene? She stopped talking to me when she left the Sweeten farm all those years ago." River flicked a stick of wood into the fire. He and Maskwa made camp just outside Ellie's farmhouse between the brambles and thickets but far enough to avoid the smell of manure. He didn't have the gumption to insist upon staying.

The moment he thrust that deed at her a pot whizzed past his ear nearly tearing his head off. He should have known something like that wouldn't work on her. She wasn't ever the type. He thought about Jolene. It would have worked on her but he could never work up any sort of feeling for her nor any other woman since Ellie.

"She got married and lives down in Texas with some pencil pusher. She wrote a few years ago saying she'd popped out a few kids herself. She's happy, I think." Maskwa answered in his usual austere manner.

"That's good. I hated to think my not wantin' her would've destroyed her. I ain't that much of an asshole," River propped his arms over his knees and clasped his hands.

"And I suppose you're here for what exactly..." Maskwa trailed off turning to River goading him into finishing the sentence he started.

"Maskwa you know exactly why I'm here and nothing you say will convince me otherwise." River kept his focus on the fire before him. He knew there was a reason Maskwa insisted on staying with him to camp. And it wasn't because he was worried about River. He was there to protect Ellie and the girls. River could not be more grateful.

"You can skip the act. Because she knows bullshit when she smells it. She don't want the fairy tale you're here proposing. She wants what's real." He turned fully facing River as they both sat on the thick dewy grass.

"What's real is that she and those kids are in danger every day in the white man's world. Here they are safe. Here they are protected. Here she can live to her greatest potential." Maskwa's normally stoic face was filled with anger.

"You don't think any of that occurred to me Maskwa? You don't think that I have considered what her life would be like with me? How my love puts her in danger and not only on my side of the line but on hers as well. If we can't live in their world we will make our own. I didn't know about my girls and I'll be damned if I let another day go by without me in their lives. I'm not sure of much but I am sure that I love her with a depth the stars don't understand."

Maskwa pressed him with a hard stare. Finding solace in his words, he breathed a loud sigh before nodding.

"Then this is where my protection of Mistanask ends and your care begins. The girls however must remain with the tribe." He looked resigned as he stared into the flames.

A puzzled look caused a wrinkle to form along River's brow, "What do the girls have to do with the Cree?"

"The gift Mistanask possessed has passed to them. The twin souls have a gift even stronger than her. Very young did their gift of divination and foresight surface. We have nurtured and guided them. Keeping them safe from potential harm beyond human sight. Being Cree is as much a part of them as you. You must not separate them from their people." Maskwa's eyes narrowed on him.

There was so much about his own children he didn't know. "When I saw them in that meadow. Essie knew me right off. I thought it was a bit strange but I didn't think too much more on it."

"I suggest you take some time to get to know your children." 

"Nisis (My Uncle)?" A groggy voice called from behind them. "I had a bad dream. There was a scary man, he's coming for us. He wanted to hurt us. He wanted to hurt Mama."

"Kōna (Snow)? What's the matter, child? There is no scary man. Kisis (Your Uncle) will protect you and your mother." Maskwa spun, his eyes falling on the twin girls holding hands in the dark, standing in nothing but a thin cotton muslin, rubbing at drowsy eyes.

"Kōna (Snow)?" River repeated, "Why do you call her that?"

"I know!" Essie said excitedly pulling Annie behind her, "Nisis (My Uncle) calls me Kōna (Snow) because he says I'm soft and pure. And um...." She considered for a moment, "Oh-I'm much deeper than I appear."

And not to be outdone by her sister Annie began, "Well, Nisis (My Uncle) calls me Pîsim (Sun) because I'm bright, I can shine even in the dark. Nisis says I burn hot and I'm quick to temper-not sure what that means though."

Essie yanked Annie hard, pulling her to stand before River. "What do we call you Mister?"

River considered. He wasn't sure how much he should say before speaking more fully with Ellie.

"Maybe, for now, just River." He stuck his hand out to Essie.

Her eyes seem to glaze over when she took his hand. She was whispering to herself as if she was speaking to someone else.

"Essie, my darlin'?" He knelt in front of her worried over the sudden change.

Annie gently touched his hand, "No, wait. She's having a seeing."

Annie must have seen this a time or two because neither she nor Maskwa appeared troubled by it. When Essie came to she was smiling so hard, she grinned like a Cheshire cat. "I knew it! I knew it was you!" She screamed breathlessly.

"What is Essie? Come on tell me. I'm dying to know." Annie begged. River couldn't have agreed more with the sentiment.

"Annie, this is our daddy." She gesticulated to River.

River froze. His eyes grew wide. Panicked he was unsure of his next move but it was decided for him when two girls frantically but happily jumped into his waiting arms. 


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