The Hard Past

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"You let her go right fuckin' now!" River's gun pointed at the hooded figure holding a tearful and frightened Annie. Essie lay motionless on a bed of slate and pebbles, the stones beneath her soaked in blood. Seeing his children scared and hurt inflamed River's anger but he could do nothing without risking them both.

The figure positioned itself with its back facing the edge of craggy cliffs, with shale and scree underfoot. River looked on worriedly at cracks and fissures in the rock beneath them. Terrain like this was prone to landslides. He just hoped when it happened it wouldn't be with his children upon it. 

River remained unmoving, where tree trunks decorated with moss demarcated the edge of the forest. Anger caused a fine tremor in his hand. His self-control becoming a dwindling and finite resource. His finger ached to pull the trigger and end the life of whoever dared lay a hand on those he loved most.

"Oh, I been waiting a long time for this, motherfucker." Clyde said, smiling. He pulled the hood back from his cloak and as he did River shuddered. Clyde's injuries had healed to hideous effect. A gaping hole, on the side of his face, exposed the parts of his mouth that should have been hidden by his cheek. His nose was sat at a strange angle and part of his eyebrows along that same side was missing. Repulsed, River's eyebrows folded inward. His girls must have had the shock of their lives seeing him. Even he was having a hard time stomaching this. 

Clyde grabbed Annie's head, his fingers digging into her scalp as he lifted her to dangling on the tips of her toes. Pain rippled across her young face.

"I've waited a lifetime for this, you son-of-a-bitch!" He spat. Clyde pulled a gun from his hip with a sudden fluid motion aiming it at Annie's head.

"Don't you move Squanto," He demanded, seeing Maswka approaching under the cover of shadow, creeping slowly on muffled steps. "That goes for you too!" Clyde gestured to River.

"What do you want, Clyde?" River ground out never lowering his weapon. "Let them go, then you and me can handle this."

"You ain't in no gawddamn position to be givin' orders!" Clyde shouted, shaking Annie hard rendering tears from the child. "There ain't nothing you can give me that'll make up for everything you dun took. It's better I say, to have an enemy that slaps you in the face than a friend that stabs you in the back. I aim to exact the sum of what I am owed in flesh."

"What do I owe you, Clyde? You never did anything but take, you selfish bastard." River's nostrils flared. His lips pulled back baring his teeth. "You've done nothing your whole life but feed off the suffering of others. You don't even deserve to burn in hell. You should get something much worse." He said, drawing in a slow deep breath before lowering his gun realizing it only provoked Clyde's anger.

"What the fuck do you mean!" Clyde challenged. "I only ever did what I had to. I did what anybody else in my situation would've done. I sacrificed everything for my family. And up till some years ago, that included you! And all I got in return was shit on." River could swear Clyde's expression looked pained.

River's face softened, "No one is ever all good or all bad, Clyde. And at some point I know you might have had some good in you. You raised me up and taught me almost everything I know. Somewhere along the way you just got lost but it ain't too late. You can still change."

"I neva changed, River! You did. And now I ain't got no choice." He pressed the barrel of the gun to Annie's head. Sobs wracked the child's fragile body.

River took the risk of inching forward. "Ain't no need for that Clyde. We can settle this. I can pay ya, anything you want. Just leave them girls outta this. They ain't done a damn thing to deserve what you're doing."

"That is exactly my point. Neither did my boys. You and that savage killed them all, save one. And he'll be lame the rest of his life. If it wasn't for him I'd never have made it. I'm doing this for them. Now, you'll know what it feels like to lose everything that matters the most to you, right before your eyes. Starting with that black bitch!" He aimed his gun at a spot near River.

River turned just in time to see Ellie at his side. His eyes flickered to the barrel of Clyde's gun. Fear zipped down his spine but in the chaos of the next few moments, all he felt was relief.

Relief, that he could keep his promise and protect her. And though Clyde's bullets might find him nothing was worse than losing Ellie. All in moments, River heard the loud bang and saw a white puff of smoke.

Ellie squeezed her eyes shut, staying rooted in place, preparing to be struck. River propelled himself forward and he threw his body over hers. His love stronger than his fear of death. He grimaced as he felt a sudden deep burning pain. He gasped loudly feeling the bullet pierce his chest. 

Blood streaked down River's arms like external veins before dripping to the stony ground. His heavy body slumped as Ellie struggled to support him.

"River!" She screamed, striving to maintain her footing. Her venomous gaze turned on Clyde as she spoke with sheer acrimony. "You...I swear to God this will be the last thing you ever do."

Clyde crooked an amused eyebrow, the corner of his tattered face twitched briefly upward. "I'm the one holding the gun here, gal. I don't find that the least bit threatening."

Like a key into a keyhole Maskwa's knife slid into Clyde's back. He'd been too distracted to notice the other man's approach. Clyde howled in pain, flailing his arms wildly as he tried to pull the blade from his back.

Seeing her opportunity Annie slipped from his grasp and ran to her sister. And as best as her little arms could she tried dragging her limp body away.

Maskwa held on to the knife twisting it until he heard that welcoming click. He ducked sliding out of the way as Clyde swung a fist over his head dancing nearer the edge of the cliff. 

When Clyde came full circle he was greeted by the explosive sound of Ellie's gun as it fired. The resulting bullet tunneling a hole between his eyes. His discard corpse toppled over the edge of the cliff, crashing among the rocks below.

Ellie crouched beside River when Maskwa helped her settle his body on the grass. She clung to his shirt. Heavy lids struggled with the weight of unconsciousness as River watched sobs echoing from Ellie.

"I always knew I's meant to take a bullet for you." He tried to smile even while he struggled to breathe.

"Shush," She ordered, wiping the tears that threatened to drown him. She pressed a kiss to his lips. "Don't do this to me again, River. I can't-I can't lose you. "She stammered. "I love you, please."She added with a whisper.

"So, you finally admit it." Smiling, River did not open his eyes again. 


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