The Commencement

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River awoke to the smell of rain falling over sun-baked dust and the gentle rolling of a road-weary wagon.

He half expected to see Clyde sitting across him like he did every morning. Drawing the blade of an Arkansas toothpick across the grey stubble on his chin. He believed a man, even an outlaw, should maintain a proper appearance.

River knew Clyde damn near his whole life. His father, being the upstanding sort he was, sold River to Clyde in order to settle his gambling debts.

Hailing from North Carolina, River understood the horrors of slavery. Even as a child he knew the kind of hell he would endure before earning freedom. But, Ole Clyde took him under his wing and became a surrogate father to River.

Clyde taught him everything he knew. He taught him how to hunt and how to shoot. He even bought him his first whore at sixteen when Ole Clyde said it was time for him to be a man. Those thoughts brought a wistful smile to his face.

But those memories quickly soured on the tongue, recalling everything else Clyde taught him. How to steal, how to kill, and how to rape the innocent.

Clyde rode with forty others just like him. Boys he'd brought into his service through one means or another. And at twenty-four years old he was the youngest and the last.

The others took no mind to the atrocities Clyde obliged them to commit. They were with him from an even younger age, so violence was all they knew.

River, at least, had his mother before he was sold. A kind, God-fearing woman that believed strongly in good Christian values.

He swore he'd find a way back to her one day and saved every penny he'd earned since then. He would take her from a life of squalor to live in the luxury she deserved.

He just hoped, Abraham, a freed slave boy, and his best friend was still with his mama. Abraham was all that stood between his paw's beating and his mama. She was a sickly woman. He just hoped his father's shenanigans hadn't abruptly ended her time in this world.

A pair of whiskey-colored eyes interrupted his thoughts and the view of the wagon tarp as he lay flat on his back. They belonged to perhaps the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.

Dark-brown curls fell over the naked russet skin of her shoulder. Thank the Lord for ill-fitting clothes. She leaned over him. Hovering close enough to tempt the very fiber of his resolve.

She dabbed a wet cloth to his cheek. While her own skin beaded with sweat. "Oh," She seemed startled, "You still alive?" Sounding a little miffed that he hadn't succumbed to his injuries.

She didn't await his response and resumed her efforts, working diligently tending his wounds. Though a grimace marked her lovely features. 

"I don't mean to disappoint, Darlin" His southern drawl sounded raspy as if he hadn't spoken in weeks. He smiled as best he could but winced when the wheel of the old wagon stumbled through a divot. 

Ellie raised her head to stare directly at him. "Listen here Mister and you listen good. I'll not have you weaving your charms on me. Don't be callin' me Darlin' or any other such nonsense you be usin' on them other girls, hear? Man, like you done, broke more than your fair share of hearts. But, I'll tell you this right here and now, that shit don't work on me. Once we get you fixed up. You'll be on your way, hear?"

A toothsome smile stretched across his face. He was never good at avoiding two things a beautiful woman and a challenge. Little Miss Uppity just happened to be both.

"Yes, Ma'am," He nodded.

He let his eyes wander across her full bust and petite frame. She was smaller than he liked but she more than made up for that where it counted. Since his first whore at sixteen, he decided he would no longer pay for his pleasure when so many women willingly gave it to him for free.

"You have my word, Miss, ain't gon' be no funny business from me. I just appreciate your help. But I wonder if I might inquire to the name of my rescuer?" He asked still offering her that lopsided smile that made most women weak.

"Ain't no need for that," She answered curtly. 

She glowered at him, lifting his head gently to wrap cleaned linen about his neck. He caught her scent. Then thanked God for his weakness otherwise he would embarrass himself, being unable to control his body's reaction like some fledging boy.

The sweet smell of lavender clung to her skin. He was tempted to bury his face at the nape of her neck. No doubt, that is the last thing she'd want nor expect from him. And he was more than pleased with her playing his nursemaid.

"Thank you, Miss." She merely grunted a reply. She shifted her hips to turn her body away from him, despite the limited space of the wagon bed. 

"Can you at least tell me where are we headed, Miss?" She turned her head, her hard gaze unblinking as it found him. 

"What you need to know that fo'? Soon as we get to a town, we'll leave you in the care of you're own kind," She answered brusquely. 

River relished the idea of finally having her succumb to him. Mewling beneath him as he rode her like a wild filly. Lord love the difficult woman. They made for excellent sport and even better fucking.  

"My own kind?" River mused. "I think I'll take my chances right. I know I'm in good hands." 

Her lip curled in a snare. Her pert lips parted as she started to answer but the cart came to a stop. 

"Ellie-girl!" A woman's voice called. "We gon stop for the night." 

River's hazel eyes practically sparkled as they studied her, "Ellie," The name rolled off his lips in an almost sensual manner. "Lovely to make your acquaintance. I do hope you and I can engage in the intercourse..." 

Ellie's eyes shot up when he drew out the words. 

He laughed before continuing, "In the intercourse of friendship and civil dialogue." 


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