The Healer

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Ellie stared blankly at River's chest as it rose and fell with each breathe. It felt as if his life would quickly evanesce the moment she looked away.

She looked down at her dry, cracked hands as they lay across the white linen sheets of the bed she shared with him. No matter how much she scrubbed them, they always seemed to be covered in blood. In his blood.

She'd been numb the last few days struggling to keep both River and Essie alive. Annie sat vigil with her sister. Ellie watched over her often as she could.

He suddenly began another violent fit of coughing. He struggled between hacks for air; gasping desperately. His face contorted in pain but his eyes never opened. Blood seeped from the corner of lips.

"Oh no. Oh God, please no." Ellie whispered to herself. She pressed a damp towel to his head, then wiped the blood from his lip. His skin was like fire. She watched helplessly as pain ravaged his body. Her eyes went to the bandage on his chest. The wound was weeping again.

"Ssssh..." She whispered. "You're all right, Love. Breathe. Just breathe." She pressed her lips to his temple.

"Open your eyes, River. Come back to me, baby." She blinked furiously as tears clouded her sight.

"It's ok now, Clyde is gone. It's alright. You're safe. Me and the girls are safe. Wake up. Please wake up." When he did not stir, Ellie clasped his shirt, balling the material in closed fists. "Don't do this to me. Don't do this to me. Please don't do this to me. I love you so fuckin' much." She sniffed through the hot tears streaming down her cheeks. "Come back" She pleaded with a tremulous voice.

"Mistanask," Maskwa's somber voice stayed her grief. She wiped discreetly at her tears before turning in the chair to face him.

"The doctor you hired said he's done all he can do. We are to give him laudanum to ease the pain of his passing. I tried, Mistanask, I really did but no one else will see him," His brows came together and his gaze fell to the floor. So, River really was dying and there was nothing she could do about it.

Ellie sniffed and turned to River. She wouldn't give in this easily. Not after everything they'd gone through. "Then find me someone who will." She stated sternly. "Those quacks don't know what the fuck their doing anyway."

Maskwa nodded a grunt before saying, "Kōna is faring well. My wife says she's never seen anyone recover from a head injury so quickly. Pîsim has not left her side. The poor child lives in fear of losing her sister and her father."

She turned to face him once more, guilt gnawing at her, "Maswka please thank your wife for me. You two have been a saving grace. I don't know what I would have done without you."

Maskwa stepped forward and clapped his hand on her shoulder, "You are family. And as much as I hate to admit it so is he. I will fetch a healer for you. Woman Who Stands Strong has healed many in our tribe. I will ensure that she tends to Ehmochowit (He is foolish)."

Ellie chucked, laugh lines and crow's feet appearing around her eyes and mouth. He'd never seen her this beaten. She's had so much pain in her young life. He wished he could do more to ease it.

"You know, you really shouldn't call him that." She said dryly.

"It's too late. It's decided" Maskwa answered before walking away.

Woman Who Stands Strong came that very evening. She spent a few minutes touching and examining River before her dark eyes turned worriedly to Ellie.

"How long has been this way," Her speech was abrupt. It belied the delicate beauty the words came from.

Ellie cleared her throat. She couldn't remember the last time she had water or the last time she slept. "He's been like this going on two days."

Her thin lips pinched to a firm line. One hand absentminded fiddled with her waist-length braid. "The bullet must be removed. It is poisoning him and killing him slowly. He will die within days if this is not done."

Ellie's body tensed. Her eyes widened. She had a hard time focusing on Woman Who Stands Strong's words.

"But I can remove it." Ellie relaxed.

"The process though may kill him." Her onyx eyes focused on Ellie for a reaction.

Ellie considered carefully for a moment before she answered, "I can't afford to do nothing. I can't just let him die. It's like you're telling me, either way, he's dead."

"Mama," Essie's soft voice floated across the room. She stood leaning against her twin, clutching her hand for strength.

Annie squeezed her sister's hand a little tighter. Her father's light was all but gone. All she felt was the painfulness of its absence. She threw her other hand around Essie's shoulder and hugged her close.

"Essie. Annie," Ellie said stunned by their appearance. "Essie, sweetie, you should be abed. You aren't well enough to-" She walked away from the healer, leaving her behind with River only to have her movement interrupted.

"Mama, it's Daddy. There's something around him. Like shadows. It's scary, Mama. Make them go away," A tear rolled down her flushed cheek.

"The child, she is one of the twin seers? If what she says is true we have less time than we thought. You must decide, now."

Ellie grabbed her hand, "Please, save my husband." 


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