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Ellie leveled a challenging look at River. The barrel of the gun pointed directly at her forehead. His big smile and cavalier attitude made her tremble with anger. River's momma did a piss-poor job of teaching him, never to corner somethin' meaner than him. She'd see that smile wiped clean off his face. 

"Get that pea-shooter outta my Goddamn face," Ellie said in a low, menacing growl.

"And if I don't what you gonna do about it, Sugar?" River couldn't help but chuckle. Her scowl was the most becoming thing he'd seen in an age. 

River enjoyed Ellie's rancor enormously. He prided himself on the fact he could simply breathe and get a rise out of her. Ellie never failed to meet the occasion. If they kept this up, it wouldn't take him long to have her swooning in his arms with her tender heart all aflutter. He reckoned her sweet side was just as fierce and ten times as loyal. 

Two hands suddenly clapped together on either side of his handgun, as if in prayer. Twisting sideways, the weapon wrenched out of his hand and slipped neatly into a daintier grip. 

A cocksure grin pulled at the one corner of Ellie's lips. "I warned you to get that gun outta my face." 

River's hands flew up to his side. He dare not push her. He didn't fancy being shot by the same woman twice. 

"Did you come to finish what you started, Sweetheart?" River pointed to the healing wound at his neck. 

"I warned you. Never challenge me." Her eyes narrowed and her grip tightened around the handle of the gun. 

River let out a nervous chortle. She might really shoot him. "I was just foolin' Darlin'. Anyhow, it's only a flesh wound. Don't look like it wants to infect."

River's blood ran cold as Ellie pulled the hammer back on the gun, "Never mind the flesh wound. Look's like I'll be meetin' my maker shortly and I don't feature tellin' him I was done in by a woman."

Ellie's venomous sneer did nothing to set his mind at ease, "Don't you worry none, Mr. Collins, he may have heard worse." 

River eased his hands down to his side while he spoke, "Who, God? Well if he ain't, I'll tell him two, or three, just on people of my own personal acquaintance. That ought to have him grinning like a jackass eatin' cactus." 

Ellie's glower deepened, "You're a crude, vile man, Mr. Collins. A monster. And I know you're hiding somethin'. I just don't know what it is. So the faster we get rid of you, the better." 

"Humph," River said with a smirk. "What is it you think you know about me, Eleanor." He took one rapid step forward, snatching the gun from her hand. His other arm wrapped around her waist pressing her body to his firmer one. 

Ellie's eyes widened in stunned surprise. She pressed the flat of her hands against his naked chest in a desperate attempt to break his grip but she was no match for his strength. With a quick flex of his arm, Ellie propelled forward, landing hard against his chest just below his shoulder. 

Her lips dusted lightly above taut skin stretched over hard muscle. Anyone witnessing their interaction would have ample reason to misunderstand and mistake their quarrel for a lover's embrace.

"How dare you! You will unhand me," She hissed.

Ellie turned her head to glare, while River tilted his toward her. Her face was inches from his stubble covered chin. She was close enough to see his deep-set eyes were more green around the edges and with an amber that grew brighter towards the middle. His softly blowing breath fanned against her cheek. 

Ellie expected immediate revulsion to him and his invasion of her personal space. Particularly considering her gifts made her more sensitive than others but... she felt nothing. A fact that was more perplexing than his atrocious behavior. 

His gravelly voice sounded deeper this close, "You'll have to 'scuse the rough manners, Darlin', I don't fancy being shot. Especially when I know you got the gumption to do it. I want you to listen and listen good because I aim to set this thing to bed... I may a fucked my life up flatter than hammered shit, but I stand here before you today beholden to no man. When I close my eyes at night to sleep, my conscience is clear. How many can say that including you? Let he who is without sin among you, cast the first stone. " 

Incensed, Ellie drove her knee up in an attempt to unman him. River casually stepped back avoiding her knee. Slapping it away to add insult to injury. 

"Goddamn it, Collins, I don't trust you as far as I can throw you but..." She paused to drop her hand to her hip, offering a sassy smile. "I enjoy the way you lie." 

Ellie turned and sashayed towards the lake's edge. She started at the buttons on the top of her dress assuming River would take his leave. 

Despite him being a desperado, River had enough home training to know he should do the decent thing and walk away but he couldn't help but stare. 

Something about the smoothness of her skin, like warm honey, or the sweetest, purest sugar, made him yearn to linger for a taste. 

"You gonna stand there gawking all day? Conniving, heavy-thumbed motherfucker?" 

River's lips curled into a mischievous grin. He doubted if the bible-thumping Mr. and Mrs. Sweeten knew the foul-mouthed harpy they were raising up.

"I never knew that you had a mouth on you like that. Makes me eager to find out what else I don't know." 

"If you don't get the fuck outta here, Collins, you fixin' to find out." She pushed her full lips into a pout and River was sure he'd just fallen in love. 


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