In A Blaze Of Glory

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River slid on his side down the short rocky slope, hiding behind a tree as bullets whizzed past him. He drew in loud labored breaths pressing his back against the broadside of the tree.

Today would finally decide the outcome betwixt him and Clyde. He'd been able to catch up to the gang about a day's ride from the Sweeten farm.

Emboldened by the fact that he had a small army and was armed to the teeth, Clyde did not feel compelled to exercise caution. After all, River was but an army of one.

But that is where Clyde would be wrong. That fact did not keep River from killing at least five of his men within the first few moments of his attack.

He set up guns around the perimeter of the small glade where the Utter Gang made their camp and fired upon them from every conceivable angle. They scrambled about in confusion. Unsure of who or how many men were upon them.

Their shots ricocheted wildly in all directions. River took the risk of glancing over his shoulder, peeking his head down the hill. They all gathered in the center of the camp. Backs to one another firing in every direction.

"Shit." He grunted under his breath. His hands shook as anxiety plagued him. He sighed before staring heavenward and reloading Maskwa's rifle.

The task would have been difficult enough with a handful of men but alone it was nearly impossible. River made his peace with his fate. As long as he got Ellie out of there in one piece, that's all that mattered.

Pushing up against the tree he stood and fired. He ran to the next rifle resting against a different tree and fired again. Three more fell.

"Goddamn it!" He heard Clyde yell. "I know you're out there River, you come on out or I'm gonna have to hurt your friend. Jeb!" He shouted at the youth on his left.

"Fetch me that nigger girl." His lip twitched into a smile. A bullet slashed through his cheek.

A little more to the right and River could have ended this. He was surprised by the relief he felt. That he could end this miserable connection to Clyde and their past. That he could finally remove this weight on his heart.

Clyde yelped pressing his hand against his injured cheek. "Bring her out!" He shouted, "Kill the bitch now!"

"Clyde!" River called speaking for the first time. "Let her go and I'll surrender. You'll have no more fight from me but touch her and I'll kill every last one of ya. Even if it means I don't leave here alive."

"Well. Well." Clyde said with a chuckle. "You sounding mighty confident for a man with over twenty guns pointed at 'im."

"You're a shitty shot, Clyde. Given you trained those bastards, they ain't much to worry over." River responded with a smile in his voice.

Ellie emerged from the tent with her hands bound in front of her. Jeb's hand clasped rigidly on her upper arm forcing her forward. Reaching Clyde he pushed her to her knees.

Clyde's toothy grin appeared more horrifying with a deep wound running along his face near to the bone and blood rushing down his neck.

"Come here," He threatened, hauling her to her feet and pressed the barrel of his gun against her temple. The heat from its recent fire burning through her skin.

"Come out here now you nigger-lovin' bastard!" He cried, sounding more deranged by the moment.

River blew a faint sigh as he stepped from the shadow of the tree. A hand pressed suddenly against his chest stopping him in his tracks. Its twin slapped over his mouth.

A smothered yelp escaped him before he recognized Maskwa but he wasn't alone. Jolene stood a few yards ahead. She'd expertly shouldered a rifle preparing for fire.

Other men, Cree warriors, ten in all surrounded the camp. Some took up rifles, others were armed with bow and arrow.

"Maskwa, why are you here?" River asked with a harsh whisper.

"Oh, I thought we'd come along." He gave an uncharacteristic smirk. It was squelched almost immediately when he adjusted his weight off his injured leg.

With his stoic mask returned, he continued, "Don't worry, the only trouble we'll cause is the good kind." He shouldered his weapon. "Mistanask is not yours alone to care for."

River knew from his look that there would be no changing his mind. He nodded before handing him his rifle.

"Well then shit, let's get her the fuck outta here. Just be ready to take them down on my signal. Be like shooting fish in a barrel."

Maskwa gave him a hard nod before turning his attention to his target at the center of the glade.

"Here I am!" River shouted, putting his hands in the air approaching the camp slowly.

"Oh dare I believe my eyes, if it ain't River-fucking-Collins, once again putting his ass on the line for some dark meat." Clyde's smile hadn't faded. He brought his free hand around to grasp her chin and forcing her to look up at River.

"Get your damn hands off of me," Ellie grunted.

"Ooh wee! Ain't she a little spitfire. You gotta watch out for dem jagged edges, son. She ain't no sweet and dainty flower to be held."

"I ain't your son." River ground out halting his approach.

"You ungrateful, no-good, son-of-a-misbegotten-whore!" Clyde shouted his face flushing red as if he felt no pain for his horrendous injury. "After all, I did for you that's the thanks I get? I tell you what boy if you ain't got my money both you and this bitch are dead." He sneered.

They were dead either way were it up to Clyde, River thought. He knew better than to trust anything that came from his mouth.

"I got your money, Clyde, but you won't get a dime, till that girl is safely away from here." River said deadpan. "I promise you that."

"You listen here you arrogant-Ah!" Clyde began with a hard tone but soon barked in pain when Ellie smashed the heel of her foot into the front of his. 

Then she threw her head back in with astonishing force. Rendering a loud crack as the back of her head made contact with his nose. A fresh stream of blood spouted from his nose.

In his rush to cradle the injury, Clyde released Ellie. "You stupid bitch!" He screeched.

Before Jeb or any other of his men could reach her, Ellie snatched the knife from Clyde's thigh strap with both hands and plunged it into his chest wall. Clyde gave a garbled whimper before collapsing gracelessly to the ground. 

Jeb drew his gun prepared to fire on Ellie when River screamed, "Now, Maskwa!"

A hail of gunfire came down on the men in the glade killing them indiscriminately. He made certain to put a bullet between Jeb's eyes before darting through the barrage to find Ellie.

He found her huddled near Clyde's badly injured and paralyzed body. He pulled her to his chest and shielded her until the bombardment overhead ceased. 


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