Captive Dreams

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Men came from Fort Gibson a few days after Ellie and River reconciled. Ellie watched awestruck as shipments of expensive goods came in from far and wide. Within days the frame of a huge house and barn was already up. River intended to build a fancy ranch house on her land.

While she knew all this was well-intentioned, her conscience could not condone using stolen money to fund their dreams.

"River," she called in a hard whisper. She discreetly waved him over away from the men staring in their direction.

That had been happening a lot lately which worried her. The men, some of which, were white noticed the unusual nature of the relationship between herself and River. She was equally sure they didn't miss the biracial nature of her children. Ellie couldn't deny that this kind of attention worried her but she didn't have the heart to crush River's boundless happiness.

"Yes dear," He answered smiling and Ellie rolled her eyes.

"I dun told you not to call me that, River. Especially with these people around." She replied sternly.

"Alright. Alright. Simmer down, Ellie. What put a bee in your bonnet now?" His hands settled on his narrow hips. He looked dashing in his plain linen shirt, clean-shaven face, and snug brown breeches.

"These people..." Ellie eyed the workmen suspiciously. "They gonna talk about our situation out here and things ain't gon be so quiet when folks find out you out here living in sin with a Negra and your half-cast children." She folded her arms across her chest. Tension pulled her features taunt.

"Come here," River pulled her into a corner of her little house away from prying eyes. "Ellie, you ain't got to worry about all that. I paid these men very well for their discretion." His hands smoothed down her shoulders then circled around her waist.

She gave a deep sigh, "That's another thing, River. You can't use that stolen money to do all this. It just ain't right. What kind of example are we setting for our girls if their future is built on the blood of others?"

River's smile deepened, his laughing eyes focused on her. "Is that how you think I'm paying for all of this?"

Ellie gave an annoyed and querulous stare, "I don't just speak for my good health River. Yes," She fumed. "That's exactly what I think."

"Well, you may rest assured that money was returned to its rightful owners. I may have considered using it but I thought of you, Mr. and Mrs. Sweeten, and my mama...and I knew what I had to do. My friend Abe and I started a brewin' business some years ago. It took off real well. He had a knack for it and needed a face for sellin it."

"You mean a white face." Ellie huffed, her eyes narrowed, she got a vertical wrinkle between her eyebrows. Her lips pursed slightly.

River raised a brow, "Yes, but the bulk of the profits belong to him. I just set up contracts, meet with vendors and coordinate shipments. I'm just the public face. Matter-of-fact, I wrote him and my mama. I asked them to come out for a visit once the ranch is finished."

"Your...mama?" Ellie stepped out of his arms, her eyes open wide.

River chuckled, pulling her back to him, "Yes, she knows about you. It was she that gave me the courage to find you again."

"And she's alright with this?" Ellie asked brows furrowed.

"Yes," River pressed his lips to her brow.

"Yo mama is one strange white lady."

River burst out laughing. As his laughter ebbed, a more meaningful gaze settled on her.

"Ellie, those things you said before...did you mean it? Are you willing to do this with me no matter how hard this gets? People are gonna talk and try shit but I promise to do right by you and my girls, no matter what."

Her arms circled his neck and her lips pressed briefly to his. "So long as you keep puttin' up with my churlish ways."

He squeezed her closer, "Ellie you're like fire and I've been cold my whole life. You gotta know by now how much I love you-you enormous pain in the ass."

He leaned forward, his firm lips pressed against her softer ones. He pulled her lower lip between his own. His wide hand palmed her backside as he softly suckled at her lips. Her knees weakened and any resistance within her disappeared. She pushed on the tips of her toes and pressed her pelvis to his.

She wanted him to devour her like she was his favorite dessert. She wanted to be what he craved most. Never growing tired of her taste, always coming back for more.

"River! Mistanask!" Maskwa's distant shouting interrupted their passion.

Ellie broke the kiss. River studied her with a heated predatory gaze that raised all the gooseflesh on her skin. Holy shit, she'd have to do this more often, if it meant he'd look at her like that again.

His thumb gently caressed her lower lip before pressing another quick kiss to them. He turned and quickly went out to meet Maskwa.

By the time Ellie stepped out of the house she found River walking to the construction site. Maskwa was staring at her, his eyes narrowed to pinprick.

"I see you finally made up your mind about River. You sure about this Mistanask? You know life with him ain't gonna be easy whether he's doing right by you or not." He said climbing the few steps and stood next to her on the porch.

"I'm with him," She replied focusing on River as she spoke. "For better or for worse."

"Humph," She heard the unmistakable skepticism in Maskwa's voice, "It'll probably be for worse."

Ellie turned to face him, "I knew that the day that I met him."

Just then a scream pierced the air. A shrill cry 'Mommy! Daddy!' followed shortly after. All the men working on the house froze, so forceful was the sound. River's eyes were wide with surprise and recognition. It was the girls.

"River!" She screamed before, she turned to call, "Maskwa!" She found he was already moving with purpose.

"Ellie, where are my girls!" River shouted.

"Playing outback. Like normal." She answered nervously.

Maskwa had already raced through the house his weapon drawn with River following closely on his heels.

Ellie's heart thundered in her chest as she rushed to find her derringer. 'God please watch over my girls.' She thought as she ran.  


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