Deceit and Lies

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A twinge of guilt nagged her as his face fell from disappointment and derision. She once again left him behind looking more confused than when she'd found him.

He said nothing to her the remainder of the day into the evening. He kept a distance and even went so far as to avoid her gaze. Ellie couldn't help but feel responsible for the visible pain in his eyes and changes obvious in his aura.

She'd been cruel, in a vain attempt to protect her pride. He was good to them, perhaps better than anyone else in his position would have been. She decided she would apologize for her behavior when she saw him stand and leave the camp. But she stopped when Jolene followed him and disappearing into the woods.

"River, Clyde's found you." Jolene's sugary voice was anxious. "Maskwa says he went rampaging through Black Brooke. Killed the loudmouth Sheriff. He knows exactly where you are. You maybe got weeks at best, days at worse, but we gotta leave. If he finds you here, he will kill these people just to spite you." Jolene wrapped her arms around her torso, showing what could be mistaken as concern for the Sweetens.

River dragged a hand over his face. This was going to happen eventually but he'd hoped that he'd have more time, "He told me. But, we're almost finished setting everything up as soon as we're done we'll leave. I'll see no harm come to this family on my account."

A rustling in the bushes caught Jolene's attention just behind River. A mop of curly hair peeked out behind the greenery. And there it was. A sudden opportunity to put the final nail in the coffin of this fantasy River had about Ellie. Jolene decided she'd take it. There had to be a clean break no matter how painful to either of them.

"So you'll leave...with me?" She stepped closer, clasping her hand around his lapel.

He blew a heavy sigh, "Yes. But, only as far as Texas. I'll not see you killed by Clyde's gang either. I hid the money in a canyon just outside the Cherokee territory in No man's Land. So I gotta circle back to find that first before I head east to my Mama then south to Mexico."

Jolene's arm slung around his shoulder, "Don't worry, Sug. I'm with you all the way." She slid the other around the opposite shoulder and clasped them at his neck, "You know, they'll be heartbroken when you leave without a word, River. Don't you think they oughta know the truth? That you're an outlaw who robbed and killed? Or perhaps how many years you spent runnin' and gunnin' with the infamous Utter gang? I think you should tell them about Clyde. If he finds them he will kill them for helping you."

River's lips pinched together before he answered, "You know damn well I can't do that. It's for their safety."

"Or to protect your image in the eyes of a certain someone." She pressed her bosoms against his chest.

There was a long pause before his response, "Who? Ellie? You know she hates me with the passion of hellfire."

"It's all for the best, Baby. Now, you and I can pick up right back up where we left off." Jolene locked eyes with Ellie. Ensuring that she saw what happened next. She pressed her lips to River's forcing a deep kiss. Outraged, Ellie stood and rushed back in the direction of the camp.

River pushed Jolene away from him. He knew she enjoyed flouting convention when it came to social interactions particularly with men, given her history as a Calico Queen, but she'd taken it too far. A sound caught his notice. He turned to see Ellie rushing away.

"Jo! Why the hell did you do that!" His face flushed red as he towered over her, shouting.

"She needed to know. She needed to see. Now you both can let go." She planted her hands on her hips with her scathing retort.

River scratched a hand through his already ruffled locks, "Damn it, Jo, that wasn't your decision to make." He murmured.

"You love her, don't you?"She whispered the question.

He turned to face Jolene. His eyes widened with emotion. His distress caused his voice to crack as he answered, "Yes."

He couldn't read her face. She purposefully kept her expression blank, "How do you know for certain?"

His shoulders slumped, "Because seeing her happy is the only thing I really want. Even if it's not because of me." 

Jolene and River returned to the camp in awkward silence. The air between them decidedly different now that he'd confessed. His gaze flickered between Abigail, Hershal, and Maskwa. 

"You looking for something, River?" Abigail asked with a soft smile. 

"Yes. Where is Ellie? She should have been back by now."

"Oh," Abigail's hand touched her lips, "I haven't seen her for a while now. I don't think she could have gotten far. But it's not like her to wander off." 

Panic flooded River's senses. This really wasn't like Ellie. There was an infinite number of dangers that she could face. Perhaps in her anger, she decided not to return to camp until her ire cooled. Still, he didn't like the idea of her out in the woods after dark. 

"We should split up and find her." He ordered. "Maskwa and Jolene. You two take that direction, I'll head this way." He pointed behind him.

"River," Jolene said in an exasperated tone. "She's a big girl. I'm sure she's fine." 

"Don't argue me on this Jo! We need to find her." His desperation growing with each passing moment. 

A heavy hand clapped on his shoulder. Maskwa interjected, "For once, River and I agree. She must be found." 

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