River's Love

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"Elli-" River's words came to stop nearly choking him in the process, the moment his eyes fell on Ellie.

He'd just stepped into the cabin finding her neck-deep in a tub of steaming water. The soft glow of the fire's light cast alluringly across her face. Brown eyes floated across the dimly lit room to him, locking with his own.

He expected indignation and outrage. He even prepared for violence in lieu of violating her privacy. Instead, all he felt was the intensity of a continuously heated stare.

Unable to meet her gaze, River's eyes fell to the floor. Her clothes were strewn carelessly at its base. Something hedonistic stirred in him needing to be checked. It was rose in the knowledge that she was threadbare with naught but a thin film of water separating him from her. 

"G-gosh Ellie, I-I'm awful sorry, I didn't mean to walk in on ya," He stuttered, a nervous habit he thought he'd kicked as a kid. It seemed to happen anytime he knew he was in real trouble.

Noticing her stare fixed had not left him River spun on his heel to face the wall, "Maskwa and Jo should be here soon. You needn't worry, I'll be gone when they arrive."

He waited a few moments but heard nothing. He took a step to the door but the sound of water sloshing around the tub and splashing on the wooden floor caught his attention.

"So you still plannin' on leaving." He heard her say. Her voice so even and calm, she didn't seem surprised by the admission and that it unnerved him.

"That was always the plan." River answered thinking over everything that happened. She clung to him now because of her loss but eventually, she'd look upon him with disdain for the things he'd brought upon her and her family. He could never live with that.

"Don't you blame me? For all of it?" Wet footsteps tapped softly in his direction. Ellie stood before him with a cloth wrapped around her soaking body. The material clung to her curves tempting every fiber of his being. He felt an inappropriate rush of blood and straining as his nether region stiffened.

"I blame you for everything," She said slowly. "I hate you." Her voice was barely a whisper.

He might have believed that before but the heat he was feeling from her gaze felt like anything but hate.

He licked his lips, "Well if you want my opinion-"

"I don't," She interrupted, "I have my own."

"Goddammit, Ellie!" He raged, stepping closer to her, hoping she'd flinch and shy away from him. But of course, she didn't. She stood staring as brazen as can be.

"I look at you and I...I just love you and it terrifies me what I would do for you" He wasn't sure if it was guilt but so many emotions flooded him he once again could not meet her eyes.

"Do you regret it?" She asked flatly.

"What" his eyes flashed to her.

"I don't know," Her voice shook for the first time and her eyes shifted to the corner of the room. "Do you regret everything?"

He was quiet for a long time. His eyes narrowed on her. The nervousness seemed to shift from River to Ellie. Heat flooded her cheeks.

Just as she opened her mouth to tell him to forget she asked, he finally said, "Just because we can't be together, that doesn't mean you weren't the best thing that ever happened to me. Because you were."

"Yeah," She whispered in awe and stepped closer until they shared a breath.

The heaviness in his eyes held her. She couldn't escape, perhaps she didn't want to. His gaze followed a path from her eyes, to her lips, to her breasts, and back again.

She felt the tips of his fingers raising gooseflesh on her upper arm. She said nothing. She didn't want to tell him to stop. She was tired of saying no to River. She was tired of never letting herself feel what her heart wanted. She knew what this might cost her but she was willing to take that gamble.

He bent slowly, his lips pressed softly against her cheek. The light touch sent shivers through her. Her whole body trembled. "Do you want me to stop?" He whispered.

"No," She said, the rest of her words were lost as her lips pressed against his. Her fingers locked in his scruffy hair and her hips curved into him.

She felt his large hand palm her back, squeezing her against an already engorged erection. In the past, the thought of men excited in this manner sickened her but River made her passions grow.

The thin veil of cloth between them slipped away. River's eyes studied her with a predator's unwavering attention. Drinking in each groove and curve of her sensuous body.

Ellie gently places his hand upon her breast, "It's ok, you can touch me."

River began to gently knead her breast as her deft hands worked at the buttons on his shirt slipping it from his wide shoulders. Her lips continued to play havoc on the sensitive skin at his neck. 

Frustrated at the growing ache in his trousers, River lifted Ellie in his arms and carried her to the small bed in the corner of the room. She splayed before him like a goddess he would spend all night paying homage to. 

He eagerly brought his lips to hers in a heated rush before tearing his pants off leaving him naked before her. He stood to let her see him. He wanted her permission at every step of the way. He would not regret this and he didn't want her to either. Ellie's eyes widened in appreciation. A smirk pulled at the corner of her lips as her eyes went to his erection. Her delicate hand waved to him beckoning him, come hither.

River's body slipped between her legs. His hardness pressed insistently at her entrance. Devouring her lips one more time, he pulled away to whisper, "I love you, Ellie." 

She answered, "I know."  


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