Return to Me

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"River Collins. I declare. Are you gonna just sit there all day just staring off longingly into the distance?" Marie Collins smoothed a hand over hair neatly quaffed hair when River's eyes turned to her. She always got nervous under any kind of scrutiny. A cruel lesson learned after years of enduring a quick brutal hand from an abusive husband.

River smiled, dragging his hand against a neatly shaved jaw. He missed his scruffy uneven beard. He pulled at the cravat strangling him slowly. He'd become a man of means and substance the last five years. But he could never quite get used to the apparel.

Five years, it seemed like a lifetime since he made his way from the wilderness of the Midwest to Plymouth North Carolina. Upon saying his goodbyes to Ellie, he collected the loot and made his way east.

Shortly after, he found his Mama and Abraham. They were living on a small farm barely making ends meet. His father Roger Collins died of a massive heart attack a few years back. All his significant debts were called in upon his death. His mother only narrowly avoided debtors' prison and becoming an indentured servant herself.

They returned the stolen money but River was arrested until the Pinkertons confirmed he had killed Clyde and his crew. It was enough to convince the judge, by some miracle, to acquit him of his crimes. He and his friend Abraham started a brewing business. They made the best gin in three states. So the money came fast and easy. Within two years he was living the kind of life he could only dream of.

"I'm sorry Mama. I guess I got more on my mind than I thought." River shifted uneasily behind his polished wooden desk.

"River, you been this way since you returned. It ain't started now." She sighed, offering him a knowing look. "Abraham told me about the girl, Ellie. I been silent all this time hoping you'd snap out of it. But you ain't."

River's eyes widened. He'd have to chaste Abe later for giving up his secrets. "Mama, I left her behind. There was no choice, I had to. "

"I see." Marie sat at the edge of the chair adjacent to River. "This reminds me of something my Mama used to say. She'd tell me at times like this you stand tall with the choices you made, high on your shoulders. If your knees buckle, you'll know you made a mistake." She paused as she watched him. "Honey, your knees are buckling."

River closed his eyes, trying to mask the wave of emotion threatening to overwhelm him. He'd never stop loving Ellie. He'd never stopped thinking of her. He threw himself into his work. A part of him always wondering if Ellie would have been happy in the life he could now provide her. But his memories of late were the worst form of torture.

"Mama, if you know about Ellie then you'll understand why we parted." He stood and took two wide steps to look out of the grand bay window overlooking the river.

The profits of his business afforded him a lavish lifestyle. He was pleased he could give his mother the life she deserved. He wished desperately to offer Ellie the same.

"Oh River. It's a tragedy the way you love that girl. The kind that star-crossed lovers will read about and weep over." She stood moving to him. She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "If you two can't make it River, no one will. I know just how very much you love that girl. You've ignored every eligible bachelorette within twenty miles. You do not indulge in your baser instincts like other men of your social class. I'm at my wit's end here. She must be a magnificent creature to hold your fancy."

River chuckled, "She's no sweet dame, Mama. She's a storm, but not the kind you run from. She's the kind you chase. She blew into my life, tearin' the walls and windows off my soul. Leaving me cleansed of my sins and open to the limitless sky."

Marie stepped around him. River only heard the sound of the material of her dress dragging against the marble floor. Her weathered hands clasped his cheeks. "Seems like she's done what I prayed for and made a good man out of you." She considered for a moment, "An a pretty terrible poet. I think you ought to stick to brewin'."

Marie took both River's hands in hers. "River I've lived a hard life. Most of which you know about and other things I've done I'd never dreamed of tellin' you. But I've lived my life. You gotta live yours, Son. There's two things in life you can never take back-words and bullets. You be sure you hit what you aimin' at and make sure you mean what you say." 

River shrugged, "But I can't just leave you, Mama-"

"River," Marie said sternly, "I will be just fine here with Abraham. You go on. Find your girl. Don't let this bit of happiness pass you by. I can no longer watch my son being poisoned by his own misery."

River threw his arms around her, squeezing her close. "Thank you, Mama." He said as he released her. He was a whirlwind of activity moving around the office. Marie watched happily. She'd hadn't seen him this animated about anything other than work. 

"Don't you worry, Mama. Abraham will take care of everything. Once I'm settled, I'll send for you. Hopefully, Ellie will still have me." 

Marie nodded, "She'll have you. I'd bet my bottom dollar on it."

"Mama, who's River," Essie asked angling her head to the side

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"Mama, who's River," Essie asked angling her head to the side. Her bob of brown curls falling in unruly fashion over her shoulder.

Ellie gasped. She knew the girls were special just like her but it seemed like they took the lion's share of gifts. Since she gave birth to them something just ain't been right. It was as if she'd lost her sight.

Ellie blinked furiously before finding her tongue, "He's a man, Mama used to know."

"Mama, are you telling tales again? I thought we weren't s'posed to do that." Annie asked green eyes focused around Ellie and on her aura. Annie was an identical copy of her younger sister.

"Don't sass me, Annie. Just get to your chores girls. You'll find out when you need to know." Ellie huffed watching them scamper from the front door and race to the small barn.

"I never sassed you. Come on Essie" Annie grumbled under her breath. Ellie glared at her back. She was too much like her younger self which meant Ellie would have her hands full.

Ellie fell back leaning hard against the front door. After five years, she'd finally found a way to live again. She left everything she knew behind. She even made peace with the death of her parents. Her life alongside her new family, the Cree was a blessing.

Many times Maskwa and his wife tried to get her to marry but she refused. Having the girls solidified her status as a spinster. She was allowed to live outside the tribe but she still enjoyed their protection and generosity.

She stood stunned in the vision Essie shared. She wasn't sure how to feel about it. If this was what she thought she'd soon see River again and the girls would quickly realize he was their father. 


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