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"Well," Doctor Hutchins jumped from the back of the Sweetens wagon, "Your nigger is done for. It's apoplexy. He ain't likely to recover from it. I suggest you recoup your losses as you can and put him outta his misery." 

River's heart fell to his feet at Ellie's audible gasp. He couldn't stop the grimace contorting his features. The man was tactless. The entire situation should have been handled differently. Doc Hutchins wasn't fit to shoot even accidentally while cleaning and unloading his gun. 

His hazel eyes searched the crowd. There were more faces than at his last count.  River flared his nostrils dramatically, letting his breath out in a gust. He and the Sweetens were about as welcome as a rattlesnake at a square dance. 

He clenched his fist, the length of his nails digging into the meaty flesh of his palms. A painful reminder to avoid an unnecessary altercation. Alone, he might stand a chance. But, he would not risk Ellie's safety needlessly.

His large hand reached up to scratch the stubble on his chin, "You don't say." 

His eyes found hers immediately. She stood across him near the wagon. A hand's width from Doc Hutchins. Her face paled. Her body visibly shrank, tears welled in those big brown eyes. 

Something raged within him. A strange knee-jerk reaction so forceful that he imagined himself setting fire to the world for her sake but never allowing the flames to reach her. A desire so strong in its acuity, so strong in its need to shield Ellie from harm that it was akin to burning in his chest. 

 The unpleasant warmth grew within him, refusing to be ignored. He wanted so badly to whip out his gun and put a bullet between Doc Hutchin's beady eyes. Instead, he reached into his pocket to fish out a few bills. He'd pay the man for his services, after all, well-fed devils are better than famished saints. 

"I thank you kindly for your services. I'll get what I came for and we'll be on our way." He stalked up to Ellie. His wide hand clasped her upper arm dragging her toward the front of the wagon. "Come on, Ellie. We best be on our way." He hoped his face expressed the urgency of their situation but Ellie didn't seem to recognize his warning in the least. 

The haze that lingered over her gaze fell, and grief gave way to understanding. "Wait!" She shouted, trying to pry herself loose of River's grip. 

"He can't just leave my paw like that. He has to do somethin'!" She dug her heels into the soft earth and yanked herself loose of River's firm grasp. 

"Is that Nigger talking to me?!" Doc Hutchins voice boomed across the crossway. Aghast gasps sounded throughout the crowd. 

"I suggest you get your bitch on a leash or we liable to put her down." Doc's hand sat on his narrow hips. He chewed slowly on his tobacco and glowered at Ellie. Undaunted, Ellie returned his gaze with just as much venom. Galled, that she had the brass to challenge him. He spat his tobacco at her. The result was a pungent brown slaver, splattered all over her forehead and the bodice of her dress. 

Ellie's righteous squeal and lunge toward the man was barely checked by River's intervention. His hand clamped around her waist. Pulled her against the broad side of the wagon. Desperate to quell ripening tensions, he fixed Ellie's petite frame between the wagon and himself. If they wanted her, they'd have to go through him. 

He turned his head to shout at the men rushing him, "Hold up there a Goddamn minute!"

He hunched forward to whisper in her ear, "Ellie, I know how you feel, but, stop now.  I can't protect you like this." His eyes pleaded but hers but the hard stare was a sufficient enough answer. Her words provided confirmation of her courage. 

Her hand wiped away the spit sullying her skin, "This is bullshit, Collins! The man offers us insult. I ain't a slave no mo'. I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them!"

No matter how much he agreed with her. They didn't have many options that didn't see them dead.

"Now, just who in the fuck does this girl think she is?" Doc shouted taking a step toward the couple. "I won't have no nigga-" His words were cut off very suddenly by the smooth application of a gun to his gullet.

"Afternoon, Sheriff. If I were you just now, I'd shut the fuck up." A raven-haired woman smiled.

"Jolene?" River asked in disbelief, stepping in front of Ellie, blocking her view of the new addition to the fray. "What in the Sam Hill are you doing here?"

"Saving your ass it seems," Her full pink lips pulled into a mischievous smile. 

Ellie had never seen a woman like her. She wore black breeches and a purple corset from which her bosoms were almost spilled. Her dark hair flowed unhampered down her back and shoulders. She was the kind of woman her mama always warned about; beautiful and deadly. 

Jolene's strange lilac eyes landed on Ellie. "This who you fussin' over, River? My, my...That's rather unlike you." 

The sheriff's deputy next to her cocked his gun but Jolene was a faster draw than even River. She had a second gun trained on the man before he drew his next breath. "I'd advise you to make a different decision, Sir, or my next shot will spoil your face." In a sterner voice, she added, "Drop it and kick it over to me." 

The man did as commanded. 

"Looks like you and me going for a lil ride Sheriff," Jolene said sweetly, jamming her second gun into the Sheriff's side. "Get in the fucking wagon." 

Emboldened by the crowd the sheriff answered, "I ain't going nowhere with some nigger-lover, his pickaninnies, and a whore." 

Jolene's smile broadened, a fact that perplexed the sheriff further, "Well... I do enjoy a good game of chicken sheriff." She leaned forward pressing her voluptuous chest against him. 

"You'll go or the contingent of men I have waiting on the other side of that there ridge will open fire. And my man, Maskwa, can shoot a man in the black of the eye at over four hundred yards. If you wanna take that gamble be my guest." 

With a hop, a skip, and a jump, the sheriff was in the back of the Sweetens wagon. He didn't fail to add, however, "You are a vile creature, Madame." 

Still smiling Jolene sat next to him at the back of the wagon, "Nor are you the first to say so." Her musical laugh carried over the crowd's busy gossip. 

"River, I suggest you get your ass on board and bring the pretty one with you." Her sassy wink in Ellie's direction left her speechless. 


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