River's Luck

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River and Ellie made their way to the encampment, moving quietly on the balls of their feet. Ellie stayed behind, remaining hidden in the brush. But not without giving River a full read of exactly what was on her mind. He wasn't sure what was waiting ahead but it couldn't be as dangerous as what the woman he left behind.

River approached the camp from the rear, using the wagon as cover. He could hear the clinking and clanking of various odds and ends. Someone was shuffling through the Sweetens belongings. 

Abigail sat cradling Hershal's unconscious body on the ground just across the wagon. Her voice strained with desperation as she begged for their lives, beseeching her attackers for mercy. 

"Take what you will and leave! Please, we ain't got nothing worth stealing." 

Her tears were a knife digging at River's heart and his anger threatened to surface. He forced himself to continued observation. Through a sliver in the tent flaps, River caught sight of two rough-looking cowboys. One inside the wagon, carelessly tossing items to the other standing just below.

"Tommy, they ain't got shit in here!" The scruffy-bearded man inside shouted. He wore an old brown hat over tangled hair. His gaudy red trousers were held up tenuously by suspenders.

The other man was younger but his face was just as hard. He was clean-shaven and his hair was so blonde, it was nearly white. River drew in a silent breath. He knew them. But, given his history, that wasn't always a good thing.

Tommy and Mason Cabot, two cow-rustlers he had a run-in with a few years ago in New Mexico. That situation ended with him shooting off Tommy's left ear. He doubted if Tommy had forgotten that. Or if this one would fare any better. 

"We need to make some kinda profit of this. I hear Ewen Cameron, that cattle baron is looking for some negros to work his farmstead. Seein' as we can't sell them as slaves no more, maybe he'd be willing to take them into an apprenticeship?"

Mason scratched at his beard, "I'm sure they'd be grateful for the opportunity and he'd pay handsomely for the commission."

Tommy returned a grin then turned toward the Sweetens. River had seen enough. He eased out from the shadows gun in hand, "Hey there fellas. Long time no see."

Tommy's face went beet red, "River Collins, you son-of-a-misbegotten-whore!" Tom spat. "You got some Goddamn nerve poking your nose into our business."

He went for the gun on his side but River had him cold. He threw his hands up moving slowly away from the wagon. 

"Now, now. Tommy, that ain't no way to speak to an old friend," Mason said smoothly, letting his hands float to his side. 

"I been called worse by better." River kept a steady tone and his weapon now trained on Mason. He was the faster of the two and the more deadly. "Now, you gonna let my friends here go or Tommy will lose more than an ear. And you know I levy no idle threats."

Mason let out a roaring laugh, "You out here all by your lonesome. Just you and these here coons and you think we're just gonna let you ride off scot-free, 'specially after what you dun to my brother."

Tommy rubbed the shorn tip of his ear. "Heard tell that he and Clyde are on the outs. You should know, River, Clyde is lookin' for you something fierce."

"And when he finds you. You're only gonna wish you were dead," Mason laughed bitterly. 

"That would be my business, so never you mind. Why don't you step outta that there carriage boss." 

"And what if I don't?" Mason shot back. 

River pressed his lips to a grim line. Then shifted his aim to a spot right between Mason's eyes, "Stand there mouthin' off and you'll find out." 

With River's attention focused on Mason, Tommy saw an opening. The moment he drew the gun from its holster a bullet, from out of nowhere, tore through the flesh of his arm. 

"Holy fuck!" He yelped, clutching his injured arm.

Mason's eyes followed his brother worriedly but he dare not move. Not with an unknown number of assassins in the bush and one of the quickest draws this side of the Mississippi with a gun trained on him. 

Mason threw his hands up, "Always knew you weren't a man I wanted mistakin' my intentions." He jumped from the wagon.

"Let me just get my brother and we'll be on our way." Mason put his arms around his brother helping him to stand. "Oh and River, the next time I see you, I'm gonna kill you."

"You will try." River said watching as the brothers disappeared through the trees. 

Ellie came stumbling through the brush rushing to her parents. Thankfully Hershal hadn't been shot but he suffered a blow from the butt of Mason's gun rendering him unconscious. And they shot they heard was his rifle firing as a result. Abigail was shaken but was holding it together better than he expected. 

Not wishing to linger, lest the Cabots return. Ellie and River packed their belongings quickly into the wagon. For the first time since he'd been with them, the Sweetens rested in the caboose while River drove the horses and Ellie sat at his side.

As the buggy rode the bumpy path, River thought of how precise Ellie's shot through Tommy's arm had been. Things could have gone right to hell in a handbag if she was a different sort of woman. They were lucky but he'd take that any day over being smart. 

He looked over. Ellie stared blankly ahead. 

When she found him gazing, she asked with aloofness, "What?" 

"Oh, I don't know?" He shrugged, "How about next time if you plan to shoot a man, you say somethin' to me first," His brows drew together, a crease forming between them. Instead of taking from his handsomeness, it seemed to lend to it.

That didn't stop her from being baffled at his highhanded statement, "Jesus Christ, Collins! What more did you want? Bells and whistles so they can know exactly where I was? I saved your ass! That man was gonna shoot you. Do you want I should tell you the next time I plan to take a shit?" She gestured flamboyantly. "Or would that be none of your fuckin' business?"

River's face lit up. His mirth beginning with a slight crinkle at the corner of his eyes, his lips curling at the corners. The color of his irises deepened to a rich green. A strident laugh bubbled forth as he clutched his belly immersing himself in unrestrained levity. 

Ellie finally understood why others enjoyed his company. The sound of his gales, snickers, and giggles were enough to make her forget her troubles even for just a moment. 

The red bubble that constantly surrounded him, shaded with violet, indigo, pink, and yellow. The most color she'd ever seen on one person at one time. She started to wonder if she was wrong about River Collins.

 She started to wonder if she was wrong about River Collins

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