8- The Pranks Pt. 2

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Summary: Carlos and Reggie team up to prank the others

Setting: Molina household 2021

Warnings: None

Words: 1,218

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After Julie and the Phantoms played the Orpheum, Carlos revealed to his sister that he knew the secret about her band. Julie was shocked, to say the least, but impressed that Carlos was able to figure it out. She formally introduced Carlos to the boys a few days later. They all loved Carlos like a little brother, especially Reggie who could be found talking with the boy any chance he could get without Ray becoming suspicious. The pranks started not long after Reggie and Carlos met. They were always harmless and in good fun, but both boys knew they needed to increase their infamy. They devised four perfect pranks. One for each of their friends.


For their prank against Julie, Reggie and Carlos needed the house to be empty. Luckily the situation was not hard to come by with Ray being at work most days, Alex out spending time with Willie, and Julie and Luke writing songs in the studio together. The next time the fates aligned this way the two boys jumped into action. The boys separated as Carlos went to grab the supplies he bought the other day when he convinced his Tía that he needed them for a school project. They met back up outside the door to Julie's bedroom. Both were nervous to cross the boundaries the girl had set for the boys, but they knew they needed to in order to pull off the prank they had in mind.

When they got into the room Carlos poured the contents of the bag he was holding out onto his sister's bed. Multiple colored skeins of yarn fell out covering the entirety of the floral print comforter. The boys instantly got to work placing the command strips around Julie's room. Carlos originally suggested that they used the thumbtacks his dad kept in his office but Reggie disposed of that idea because he didn't want to ruin Julie's walls. Once all five packages of command strips were placed on the walls, floor, and even the ceiling the boys got to work stringing the yarn on the strips stretching it around the room. After the third or so skein, Carlos found it hard to move around so he left the room and stood in the doorway as Reggie finished the rest. When Reggie wrapped the last string around the command hook he poofed out of the room to stand next to Carlos. They both admired their work before going to Carlos's room to hang out until dinner.


After everyone finished eating it was normal for Julie to return to her room for a while for some downtime before heading either back out to the studio or to the living room for a movie night and today was not any different. Carlos followed his sister upstairs hiding around a corner so she could not see him. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see a floating pen signifying Reggie was standing with him. 

The girl was looking at her phone as she opened the door, so she did not realize the spiderweb of yarn that was strung throughout the entirety of her bedroom until she walked into it. Julie immediately dropped her phone and started flailing her arms trying to free herself from the tangled mess she had found herself in. Once she finished untangling herself she yelled loud enough for the rest of the house to hear her. 


Carlos felt the air around him shift and he assumed that Reggie poofed over in front of Julie. Based on the way she was standing and turning her body as she spoke Carlos could tell Luke and Alex were there as well. Carlos jumped when he heard his sister yell yet again.

"Carlos! You too!" she shouted louder than she had to with how close the boy. Carlos turned the corner and shuffled his feet over to where his sister was standing. He kept his head down as Julie spoke, "Alright now who did this to my room?"

There was a long moment of silence before Julie spoke again. "You're right Alex. I would expect it to be the same people who poured slime on you a few days ago," Julie said looking between her brother and the space next to him where Carlos could still see a floating pen meaning Reggie was there. "Carlos, Reggie, did you do this to my room?" Julie questioned. Both boys nodded their heads and Julie laughed. Carlos snapped his head up at the sound.

"You're laughing. Why is she laughing?" Carlos asked looking to the space in which he knew Reggie was standing.

"I'm impressed," Julie said plainly. There was a quick pause before Julie responded to something Reggie said. "Yes, I'm impressed. You guys managed to pull this off without anyone noticing. I'll admit it was a little funny too. But like I said when you pranked Alex, you're going to have to clean this up becuase I'm not doing it. And I'd like it done soon becuase I want to relax before our movie tonight," she finished before walking away with her hand outstretched like she was dragging someone with her. Carlos concluded it was probably Luke and turned to the still floating pen at his side.

"We got her good didn't we?" he asked holding his hand up for a high-five. Reggie hit Carlos's hand with the pen. "We should get this cleaned up," Carlos said sighing. He and Reggie worked to remove all the string from Julie's room and bundled it back up into the respective skeins. They went around pulling all the command strips off the wall making sure nothing was damaged. When they finished they called for Julie and once she verified they didn't leave anything behind she kicked them out so she could have some time to herself. Carlos went back to his room to relax as well and Reggie went to the studio to chill with Luke and Alex. Everyone regrouped about an hour later in the living room and settled down for that night's movie. It was Alex's turn to pick and after some debate, he finally settled on Frozen 2. Everyone got comfortable as he clicked play. Carlos and Reggie spent the entire movie passing little notes back and forth planning their next prank.


This one was not as good as part 1 but it was still fun so yeah! I really hoped you enjoyed it. I had a different plan for this part but then remembered about halfway through that Reggie was in fact a ghost and could not blow up balloons! :)

Tomorrow will be part three of this mini-series, the prank against Luke. Until then please remember to vote and comment it really means a lot!

Requests are also open and very welcome! I am started to not like a lot of my ideas because I want to make sure I am writing things I am happy with. If you have any ideas please feel free to leave a comment on the first author's note of this book or private message me and I get back to you ASAP to get your request written.

Thank you all so much for the support!

Until Tomorrow Fantoms!

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