22- The Daily Discourse

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Summary: 5 times Luke and Carls disagreed and 1 time they agreed

Setting: Molina Dinner Table 2021

Warnings: None

Words: 1,490


Ever since Julie told her dad and brother about the boys in her band and how they were not actually holograms, her dad has insisted they sit at the table during family dinners. The boys tried to argue that they couldn't eat, and they didn't want to intrude on family time. Ray countered that the boys were family now. Upon hearing this they agreed to be present henceforth at family dinners.


The debates between Carlos and Luke started as slight off-hand comments where one would disagree with something the other had said, but lately, Julie could swear the two boys came to dinner prepared with arguments to present the other. This night was no different. Not long after dinner was passed out to the three living members of the family Carlos spoke up.

"Have I ever told you guys how much I love penguins?" Everyone seated around the table looked at each other. "They are just the cutest black and white animal ever aren't they?" he asked the group looking directly at Luke and begging him to disagree. 

"Cutest black and white animal?" Luke scoffed. "As if. Have you ever seen a panda?"

Carlos laughed before delving into a full-blown explanation of his argument that surrounded around how penguins look like they are wearing tuxedos and how there are seventeen different breeds of penguins each cuter than the last.

Julie was impressed with how much research her brother had put into this argument. She could also see how attentively Luke was listening to Carlos trying to find a flaw in his logic he could exploit.

Unable to do so, Luke sighed. "Sure you might be right," Luke started and Carlos smiled believing he had won. "But," Luke continued wiping the smile off Carlos's face. "Pandas are fluffy. And they can sit like people which is adorable especially when they are eating! Oh, and have you seen that video of that panda sneezing? Adorable!" he finished throwing his hands in the air.

"That video was really cute," Reggie added.

"Ok fine, you know what time it is. What do you guys think?" Carlos addressed the rest of the group.

"Sorry little man. I'm with Luke on this one," Reggie responded.

"Yeah, I got to go with pandas too," Alex conceded.

"I love you Carlos, but pandas are just so fluffy," Julie added smiling.

Carlos got more and more upset as everyone agreed with Luke. Once Luke heard Julie's response he cheered and jumped out of his seat and ran to the refrigerator where a whiteboard sat with a t-chart labeled "Luke" on the left and "Carlos" on the right. Luke placed a tally under his name and returned to his seat triumphantly.

"If it makes you feel better mijo, I'm on your side," Ray smiled at his son. Carlos thanked his father and the dinner quickly returned to normal conversation for the rest of the meal.


Carlos had no clue whether he was going to win the debate at dinner that night. He looked online for an hour before he was called downstairs and could not find any topics that he thought he could win with. Once he sat down he waited and hoped that Luke had a topic ready and that he did.

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