29- The Publicity

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Summary: Luke and Julie are forced to date for publicity but end up falling for each other 

Setting: Los Feliz 2022

Warnings: None

Words: 1,542


Fans of Julie and the Phantoms were not oblivious to the chemistry Julie Molina and Luke Patterson had when they were performing on stage together. It was to no one's surprise that soon after they became a band many were already begging the two to get together officially and create yet another Hollywood power couple. Neither Julie nor Luke were particularly against the idea of dating, they both had huge crushes on the other, but neither would admit it for fear of destroying the band if something were to happen.

Right before the final show of their latest summer tour, Julie and the Phantoms were approached by their manager. They had upgraded to a more legit and professional one after Julie graduated but Flynn still ran all their social media accounts. Expecting the usual pre-show hype-up, the band members were insanely shocked by the words that left the manager's mouth.

"Wait, you want them to what?" Alex asked, astonished.

"Kiss," the manager stated matter of factly. When she was met with blank expressions she continued, "At the end of Great. When you guys are both at the piano."

Both Julie and Luke were confused, but a little excited deep down although neither one would let it show. "Look," the manager stated, "With Julie wrapping up her last year of school recently you guys haven't been releasing as many songs as you have in the past, and therefore publicity has been on a severe decline. So we are going to give the fans what they want. Luke, you and Julie are going to kiss at the end of Great, and then not address it for the rest of the show until the very end once Alex and Reggie have left the stage. Then you are going to address the crowd and confirm your 'relationship'".

With that the manager left, leaving the four members of the band to look between each other confused. "Are you going to do it?" Reggie asked.

"Do we really have a choice?" Julie sighed, trying really hard not to expose the butterflies that are forming in her stomach at the thought of finally kissing Luke.

"Wow, thanks Jules. Nice to know the idea of kissing me is so horrible to you," Luke tried his best to sound sarcastic even though the comment genuinely hurt him.

It was like Julie could sense his sincerity because she quickly responded, "No, no, no it's not like that! I- I just..." she trailed off, before taking a deep breath and speaking quickly, "I'veneverkissedanyonebefore."

Reggie and Alex just stood there awkwardly, but Luke being Luke decided to be bold. He grabbed her face. The fact that they were able to touch still confused the band, but none of that mattered right now, as he smashed his lips into hers. Julie's body tensed for a moment as she tried to comprehend what was happening, but soon her brain caught up to the situation and she melted into the kiss wrapping her arms around Luke's neck. Alex and Reggie both started whooping and hollering, and Luke pulled away with a laugh. Julie was stuck standing in her place completely dumbfounded.

"W-what was that for?" she stuttered out quickly.

"Well now your first kiss won't be in front of thousands of people," Luke shrugged and walked away to finish getting ready for the show. Julie was left with a pit in her stomach. The way Luke brushed off the kiss like it didn't mean anything crushed her, but she refused to let it affect her performance.

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