31- The Haunting

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Summary: Nick cheats on Julie and Luke gets payback

Setting: Lose Feliz 2020 (Post Season 1)

Warnings: Swearing

Words: 1,280


Julie Molina was never one to trouble herself with boys. Sure she had her fair share of crushes in the past, but she preferred to focus on her music and studying than her love life. That was, of course, until three ghosts showed up in her garage. Now she had to choose between her long time, very alive, crush Nick, and the new, very dead, lover boy Luke. Flynn had encouraged her to go for Nick because he was, well, alive and, as much as Julie hated it, she knew she was right.

She and Nick had been dating for about a month, before Luke "got over" his jealousy. He was much better at hiding the way his heart fluttered when Julie smiled at him, and his anger whenever she and Nick would share a look when he came to watch band practice. What really sent him over the edge was the day that Julie cancelled band practice. This was a rare occurrence for Julie, sometimes Alex would if he was with Willie, or Reggie might, to hang with Carlos, but never Julie. She used the band as an escape from the stressors of her life, so Luke knew something was off.

He poofed just outside her bedroom door, and was about to knock when he heard sniffling from inside. Without hesitation he walked through the door.

"What have I said about boundaries..." Julie mumbled against the pillow she held close to her chest. She was a mess, curled up in a ball, tears streaming down her face, and mascara smeared. Luke softened at the sight of an upset Julie.

"Well, I just thought you could use the company..." Luke walked closer to the bed.

When Julie made eye contact with him, she immediately broke further and sobs wracked through her body.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. None of that. I got you," Luke slid into the bed next to her and pulled her close, softly rubbing his hand on her arm. Once Julie calmed down a little he spoke again, "Do you want to tell me what's wrong Jules?"

Julie took in a shaky breath. "He cheated on me...," Luke felt his blood boil, "with Carrie," she sniffled.

"He what?!" Luke roared. He went to stand up but Julie pulled him back down. The sadness still prevalent in her eyes, instantly neutralized Luke's anger.

"Please don't," Julie pleaded. "I'll be okay, I'll get over it," she sighed, "Just stay with me please?".

"Of course Jules," Luke sat back down on the bed, "anything for you," he placed a kiss on her head.

Once Luke heard Julie's breathing even out and concluded she was asleep he carefully pulled away from her and laid her down on the bed. She stirred a little, but not enough to wake up. Luke placed one more kiss on her forehead before poofing down to the garage. He was greeted by Reggie and Alex who were in the midst of a conversation on the couch. As a result of the lack of response to his greeting, Alex turned himself to face the now facing Luke.

"You good bro," Alex asked, "pacing is kind of my thing."

Luke scoffed before stopping abruptly and turning to face his friends. "He...," his face was red with anger, "he fucking cheated on her!" he yelled.

"Woah, woah, calm down," Alex put his hands up, "Who did what?"

"Nick," Luke flailed his hands in desperation for them to understand the severity of the situation, "he cheated on Julie, with his ex. I swear I'm gonna kill him."

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