14- The Chemistry

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Summary: Claudia and Reggie have a study date

Setting: Reggie's room 1994

Warnings: None

Words: 1,865

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Every Tuesday and Thursday after school Claudia accompanies Reggie home before band practice to tutor him in chemistry. They made their way into the house and down the hall to Reggie's room. Assuming their usual spots in the room, Claudia at the desk in the corner and Reggie on the bed, they both pulled out their study materials. The final was quickly approaching and Claudia promised herself that she was going to help Reggie pass the class. Reggie on the other hand could care less about the studying and used his tutoring sessions as nothing more than an excuse to spend time with Claudia without their bandmates around.


"Reg could you please focus?" Claudia pleaded for what felt like the millionth time.

"How could I focus when not even the Kelvin scale could measure how hot you are?" Reggie responded putting down the pencil he was trying to balance on his nose.

"I know I should be upset with the fact that you made yet another chemistry pun, but I am going to take this as proof that you are actually learning something instead," Claudia laughed as she tried to hide the blush that was slowly creeping up her cheeks.

"Of course, I'm learning something. I have a great teacher," Reggie said winking at the girl. 

The pair continued to study going back and forth asking questions and completing the review guide the teacher had given them. Reggie started to lose focus again as time passed and Claudia recommended a break. The two made their way to the kitchen to get a snack. Once in the kitchen, Reggie started rifling through the cabinets while Claudia jumped up to sit on the counter. Reggie placed a package of Oreos on the counter next to Claudia and turned back to the cabinet to get a bag of chocolate chips and a bowl. The girl immediately picked up the bag of chocolate chips and started eating them. He quickly grabbed the package out of her hands.

"Hey! I was eating those," Claudia pouted as she crossed her arms.

"I know but if you eat them all now you won't be able to have any to melt and dip the Oreos in!" Reggie laughed as he explained his idea to the girl. He poured some of the chocolate chips into the bowl he had gotten down and placed it into the microwave to melt them. The two talked about anything and everything that wasn't chemistry-related while the chocolate melted. When the microwave beeped, Reggie pulled out the bowl stirring it a little to make sure everything was melted. He set the bowl on the counter next to the package of Oreos. Claudia immediately grabbed one and dipped it into the chocolate before she placed the entire thing into her mouth dripping chocolate on the counter. Reggie laughed at the girl before turning around to grab a paper towel to wipe up the mess. When he turned back around the chocolate on the counter was gone. He looked at Claudia who was bringing her chocolate-covered finger to her mouth. They both laughed at her actions before proceeding to finish the rest of the Oreos without any major mess. Claudia stayed on the counter as Reggie placed the empty Oreo package in the trash and the bowl they used to melt the chocolate in the sink.

Reggie held his hand out to Claudia to help her off the counter. She happily accepted and grabbed ahold of his hand before jumping down. She had trouble sticking the landing and ended up tripping. Luckily, Reggie had a tight grip on her hand and was able to pull her into him to stop her from falling.

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