20- The Date

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Summary: Willie takes Alex to an art exhibit for  a date

Setting: Los Feliz 2020

Warnings: None

Words: 1,427


Alex hesitantly knocked on the door to Julie's bedroom. There was a pause and Alex shifted nervously fiddling with the fabric in his hand. The door swung open to reveal a comfortably dressed Julie.

"Oh hey, Alex! What's up?" she asked.

"U-um so Willie is taking me on a date tonight and he told me to dress nice but this is all I have so I was wondering if you could help me get ready?" he rambled quickly holding up the bundle of clothes in his hands.

"Oh my gosh! Yes Yes!" Julie jumped up and down excitedly before pulling Alex into her room. A smile spread across Alex's face as he walked into the room.

"So he told me to dress nicely but the only nice outfit I have is this suit from our Orpheum performance," Alex rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Go put it on for me?" Julie questioned motioning towards the bathroom. Alex nodded his head and walked into the bathroom to change. Julie passed the time by scrolling through her phone.

"Ehem," Alex cleared his throat to get her attention. Julie looked up from her phone locking it and setting it on the bed next to her.

"Oh my gosh! Alex that looks so good!" Julie encouraged. She helped him style his hair and finish getting ready. They were both sat on Julie's bed, Julie was trying to calm the nervous Alex down when Luke poofed into the room.

"Hey Alex, Willie is here...Wow dude you look good!" Luke stated. Alex blushed a little and thank Luke for letting him know his boyfriend had arrived. He thanked Julie for all her help and gave her a hug before following Luke and poofing down to the studio.

When he got down there Willie was sitting on the couch talking with Reggie and Luke. Alex snuck up behind Willie and wrapped his arms around his shoulders.

"You ready?" Willie asked placing his hands on top of Alex's. Alex nodded and the pair stood up allowing Alex to fully take in Willie's outfit. He was in a white button-down shirt with black dress pants held up by pink suspenders with a matching bowtie. His hair pulled back into a bun on the top of his head. Willie grabbed ahold of Alex's hand before turning back to Luke and Reggie and saying goodbye.

"Have fun! Oh and Willie make sure he is back by sundown!" Luke yelled after the couple as they made their way out of the studio. Alex shot a glare in Luke's direction, but Willie snapped him back to reality.

"Will do!" he yelled before leading Alex to their destination.

"So where are we going?" Alex asked.

"You'll see," Willie said with his signature smile. "You look really nice by the way"

"I could say the same for you," Alex responded smile as a blush crept up his face.

"And we're here!" Willie said excitedly after a little bit, stopping in front of the same museum he took Alex to on their first date.

"Why are we here again?" Alex looked at his boyfriend skeptically.

"There's an art expo tonight and I thought it'd be fun to check it out," Willie shrugged.

Alex nodded. The duo walked into the museum and began to explore. They walked around looking at the different art pieces and photobombing random people. After a couple of hours of messing around the two decided to make their way back to the studio. They left the building and began their walk hand in hand. About halfway through the walk Willie abruptly interrupted the naturally flowing conversation by running off and dragging Alex with him.

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