7- The Pranks Pt. 1

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Summary: Carlos and Reggie team up to prank the others

Setting: Molina household 2021

Warnings: None

Words: 1,081


After Julie and the Phantoms played the Orpheum, Carlos revealed to his sister that he knew the secret about her band. Julie was shocked, to say the least, but impressed that Carlos was able to figure it out. She formally introduced Carlos to the boys a few days later. They all loved Carlos like a little brother, especially Reggie who could be found talking with the boy any chance he could get without Ray becoming suspicious. The pranks started not long after Reggie and Carlos met. They were always harmless and in good fun, but both boys knew they needed to increase their infamy. They devised four perfect pranks. One for each of their friends.


Their plan for Alex was simple. While the band practiced in the studio, Carlos sat in his room mixing a large bucket of slime. When the band finished Reggie poofed up to the room. He grabbed the pen and paper that Carlos always had sitting on his desk and wrote, "You ready little man?"

"Yep!" Carlos responded. "Let's do this" Suddenly the bucket of slime disappeared and Carlos assumed Reggie had enacted the next stage of the plan and poofed the bucket onto the loft in the garage. He quickly cleaned up from his slime making process and made his way to the band's studio. When he arrived he was greeted by a cheerful-looking Julie who was laughing at what he could assume was something one of the boys had said. "Hey, guys!" He said with a wave.

"Hey bud," Julie responded before nodding her head. "Luke and Alex say hi as well. What's up?"

"Oh um I was wondering if I could talk to Alex?" Carlos replied trying his best to act like he was nervous.

"He said sure. Do you want him to write or do you want me to interpret?" Julie questioned.

"Can he write? If that's okay with him," Carlos added quickly. Reggie was watching everything from the loft, doing his best to stay hidden and he had to say he was impressed with the young boy's acting skills. Carlos followed the floating notepad and pen he saw over to the grand piano as Julie went over to the couch. With the way she was sitting and talking to nothing, Carlos could tell Luke was there too.

"Is everything okay?" Alex wrote.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just have a question for you," Carlos said rubbing the back of his neck to add to his performance.

"Shoot," Alex wrote

"Um, could you teach me how to play the drums? I've always thought they were a really cool instrument and you're really good..." he trailed off as Alex wrote something.

"Sure! I'd be honored. Oh, and thanks"

"Yay!" Carlos cheered jumping and clapping his hand together. "Could we start now or are you busy?" he asked the blonde-headed boy.

"We can do it now :)" Alex responded before poofing over to his drums and beginning to play a soft beat. Carlos walked over as he heard Alex explain what they were doing to Julie and Luke. "Ok kid how do you want to start?" Alex said now that he was playing his drums and knew the boy could hear him.

"Like this," Carlos said with a smirk. Alex looked at him weirdly. "REGGIE NOW!" The boy yelled as the ghost in the leather jacket popped out of his hiding space on the loft and tipped the bucket of slime proceeding to spill it all over Alex, who jumped up from his seat, and the surrounding area. Carlos had to jump back as to not get hit with his own prank. Carlos, Reggie, and even Luke and Julie were laughing.

"Language!" Jullie yelled suddenly. "I know he can't hear you, but still!" she continued, pointing her finger in the direction of the green blob Carlos knew to be Alex. Alex suddenly poofed out of his spot and Julie snapped her head in the direction of the loft. Carlos moved so he could see the loft as well and the commotion that was happening. He saw the blob-shaped Alex throwing handfuls of slime at another figure that slowly started to take shape the more Alex hit him. Carlos knew this to be Reggie but was shocked when a third figure appeared. Luke must have also poofed to the loft when Carlos wasn't looking. Although he couldn't hear them, he could tell the boys were laughing.

"Okay, that's enough!" Julie called to the boys who all froze at the sound of her voice. "Carlos, go in the house and get stuff to clean this up because I'm not doing it," she said crossing her arms. "And boys go rinse yourselves off and come back to help Carlos clean up in here," she commanded. Carlos saw the figures nod their heads before Julie walked out of the studio. Carlos suddenly heard soft music as the boys all poofed back down to the main floor of the studio so they could talk with him.

"Nice acting little man!" Reggie exclaimed. "You really had Alex fooled!"

"Yeah," Alex said sadly. "I really thought you wanted to learn the drums..."

" I do!" Carlos chimed in.

"You mean that?" Alex perked up.

"Of course! That's why it was so easy to fool you because I wasn't acting!" Carlos responded excitedly.

"Well then kid. I'd be honored to be your teacher" Alex said with a laugh. " Don't think this puts you on my good side though. I'm still going to get you back for this."

Everyone laughed as they all went their separate ways to follow Julie's orders and get the studio cleaned up. They tried their hardest but all four boys knew they were going to be finding slime in the little nooks and crannies around the studio for years to come.


I hope you enjoyed this fun little story. I really hope they elaborate on the connection between Carlos and the boys now that he knows about them if we get a season two! 

Tomorrow I will be posting part two of this mini-series in which Reggie and Carlos pull another prank. This time on Julie. Until then please vote and comment! It means a lot.

Requests are open and welcomed! Just leave a comment on the first author's note in this book and I will get it written ASAP!

Until Tomorrow Fantoms!

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