15- The Meeting

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Summary: After their death, the boys meet an old friend

Setting: The studio 2020

Warnings: None

Words: 1,301


"Oh my gosh. Was she crying too?" Alex asked fearfully as a girl, who seemed about Julie's age, walked past them and into the studio.

"Yes! And the only thing scarier than one girl crying is two girls crying!" Luke responded with his eyes wide.

"Well, that's not very nice." The boys looked around for the source of the voice. A blonde girl made her way down the stone steps to stand next to the boys. She had her dirty blonde hair pulled into two low ponytails and a floral sundress on as crossed her arms with a scowl.

"O-oh, um, well I'm sorry," Luke apologized looking at his bandmates with confusion evident on his face.

"Wait, you can see us?" Alex asked eyeing the girl.

"Of course I can see you, Alex" The girl laughed.

"How'd you know my name?" Alex asked quickly as he hid slightly behind Luke.

"Wait," Reggie interrupted before the girl could respond. He put his hands on the girl's shoulder looking her up and down. "Sally!" he yelled pulling the girl into a hug. 

She laughed before wrapping her arms around him in return, "Hi Reggie"

Luke and Alex looked at the two teens confused as they pulled apart. Reggie looked at them before trying to help them reach the same conclusion he had.

"You guys remember Sally, right?" he questioned. Luke and Alex looked between each other still not understanding what was going on. Reggie sighed. "Remember when I wanted to prove to you that ghosts were real Luke? And I brought over my Ouija board and we spoke to that spirit. Well..." he trailed off gesturing to the girl standing next to him who gave them a small wave. The realization hit Luke and Alex and both of their jaws fell towards the ground.

"Oh. My. God," Luke stated enunciating each word. "I never even thought about the fact that we might get to meet you after we ya know," he waved his hands at his friends.

"Ya, I used to come by here a lot right after you guys died, but I haven't been around lately. I'm happy I decided to check in on Julie today though!" she smiled.

"This is crazy..." Alex muttered quietly. Just then Julie made her way out of the garage, the girl from earlier in tow.

"Oh hey!" she greeted the Sunset Curve boys completely unaware of the girl that was standing with them. "Let's hustle!" she ushered her friend, who was eyeing her weirdly, away from the group.

"Don't worry! We weren't listening," Reggie called after her earning him a slap on the back of the head from Luke. Sally stifled a laugh.

Julie waved at the band one more time before pretending to swat an imaginary bug out of her face and pushing her friend towards the front of the house.

The band and Sally moved back into the garage. Alex called out that he found some of the band's old clothes and dropped a couple of bags over the balcony of the loft and onto the ground below. Luke hastily rushed to a black trash bag and ripped it open excitedly looking for something to change into.

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