9- The Pranks Pt. 3

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Summary: Carlos and Reggie team up to prank the others

Setting: Molina household 2021

Warnings: None

Words: 1,093


After Julie and the Phantoms played the Orpheum, Carlos revealed to his sister that he knew the secret about her band. Julie was shocked, to say the least, but impressed that Carlos was able to figure it out. She formally introduced Carlos to the boys a few days later. They all loved Carlos like a little brother, especially Reggie who could be found talking with the boy any chance he could get without Ray becoming suspicious. The pranks started not long after Reggie and Carlos met. They were always harmless and in good fun, but both boys knew they needed to increase their infamy. They devised four perfect pranks. One for each of their friends.


Luke was probably the hardest person the duo had to prank. He was rarely alone. Luke was always off with Julie whenever he was home, so the team had to get creative. Reggie and Carlos settled on an old prank, but a good prank. Or so they thought. The boys raided the kitchen for all the plastic wrap they could. When they finally gathered it all together they went upstairs. Luke was the only one home besides the two with Julie spending the night at Flynn's, Alex hanging out with Willie, and Ray at work. Carlos was shocked he was able to convince his dad to let him stay home alone without calling his Tía to come to watch him, but Julie was right down the street so it wasn't that difficult. Once upstairs, the boys made sure Carlos was in his bedroom before covering the entire doorframe in plastic wrap. The boys admired their work before Carlos nodded at Reggie telling him to enact the next phase of the plan. Reggie poofed down to the studio where Luke was sat writing in his notebook.

"Hey, dude! where have you been?" Luke asked happily at the sight of his friend.

"Oh I just went for a walk," Reggie rubbed his neck nervously. "Carlos is home alone right now do you want to go check on him with me?"

"Sure," Luke shrugged before standing up. The boys walked into the house and Reggie "accidentally" tripped causing him to fall behind the couch. Before Luke could notice Reggie reached under the couch and pulled on the bundle of fishing line that was attached to a bell in Carlos's room in order to tell him that Luke was in the house and he needed to move onto phase three of the plan. 

Carlos heard the bell ring and immediately yelled as loud as he could, "Ow!" He stomped on the floor making it seem like he had fallen and hurt himself. Luke looked over at the now standing Reggie with concern in his eyes. 

"We should probably go check on him," Reggie stated as he started rushing towards the stairs. He expected Luke to follow behind him so when he got to the top of the stairs and heard Luke and Carlos talking he was a little confused. He assumed Luke had poofed to the top of the stairs in order to save time and then proceeded to fall for the prank running into the room so he thought nothing of his decision to run into the room after him. Reggie was suddenly caught off guard when his path was blocked by the thin clear sheet of plastic wrap that covered the door. He fought hard to get out of it and eventually ended up with a ball of plastic wrap in his hands. Both Luke and Carlos were laughing at this point.

"Yes! We got him!" Carlos yelled holding his hand up for a high five, but instead of the usual pen held by Reggie hitting his hand, it was the guitar pick that Luke kept in his pocket for these exact moments. Carlos's eyes widened at the space next to him. "Luke?" he questioned. "So that means..." he trailed off looking at the floating ball of plastic wrap which now had a pen floating next to it. "Oh no!" Carlos said laughing. He could tell by the way the ball of plastic wrap moved that Reggie was laughing too. "Welp, we'll get him next time," Carlos said with a shrug. He felt something hit his head and looked down to see the guitar pick Luke was holding now resting on his comforter. "Sorry fine we won't prank you again," he responded holding his hands up in defense before shooting a wink at Reggie. "Now can you guys go so I can watch Youtube?" Carlos asked shooing the ghosts out. Reggie threw the ball of plastic wrap at the boy before walking out to join Luke in the hallway and closing the door behind him.

"Well that was some prank Reginald," Luke said with a smirk.

"Oh shut it," Reggie responded hitting Luke on the shoulder. "You heard the kid. We'll get you next time," he said with a smirk of his own. He winked at Luke before poofing away.

"What do you next time?!" Luke yelled to the now empty space in front of him. He rolled his eyes before poofing himself to the garage where Reggie was sat on the couch with a piece of paper and a pen. Luke tried to get a look at the paper, but Reggie quickly pulled it to his chest. Luke was able to catch a glimpse of the heading Revenge Prank Ideas. Luke rolled his eyes once more before moving back to his spot next to the piano where his songbook lay open from earlier and resuming his work.


Ahh, I'm sorry it's really late and really bad but I wanted to make sure I had something to post. This one is a little shorter than the other, but when a prank fails it's over much quicker, and no matter how much planning goes into a prank the ghost ability to poof into a room within seconds will always come out on top! :) Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it.

Tomorrow will be the final part of this mini-series where Reggie and Carlos pull the final prank on Ray. In the meantime please vote and comment it really does mean a lot and I would love to hear your feedback!

Requests are open and very much welcomed just leave a comment on the first chapter of this book entitled Author's Note/Requests or private message me and I will try to respond and get it written ASAP!

Thanks for reading!

Until Tomorrow Fantoms!

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