23- The Plane

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Summary: Julie Molina and Luke Patterson end up sitting next to each other on a plane ride (Everyone is alive)

Setting: An airplane heading to LAX

Warnings: None

Words: 1,513


Julie Molina was a new up and coming star trying to make it big in the music industry. After releasing her hit single "Wake up" in the wake of her mother's death, Julie was approached by a producer in Los Angeles who wanted to help her create an album. She was ecstatic and booked the next possible flight out to LA to meet with him.

Luke Patterson was the lead singer and guitarist of a band called Sunset Curve. His bandmates and he had just taken some time to go visit their families before their world got crazy. The band was about to go on a press tour to promote their first big album, so Luke found himself on a plane heading back to LA.

What the two musicians had not planned for was for their seats to be next to each other on the plane ride. Julie had never been the biggest fan of planes so she decided to occupy herself with the new song she was working on. She had recorded the demo tracks before she left and had it playing through her headphones with her notebook on the tray in front of her as she tried to work out the lyrics. 

When Luke boarded the plane he made his way down the aisle to his seat and placed his guitar in the overhead bin. As he slid his way into the seat, he couldn't help but notice the beautiful girl that seemed about his age seated next to the window. When he sat down he accidentally bumped the girl's elbow causing her to look up at him. He let out a quick apology and the girl smiled revealing a small gap between her front teeth before turning back to her notebook. Luke couldn't help but think the smile made her even more beautiful. 

The stewardess walked up and down the aisle checking seatbelts and preparing the plane for take-off. She informed Julie that she must put up her tray and the girl obliged marking her page by placing her pencil against the spine and closing the book placing it safely in her bag under the seat. Luke saw her change the music she was listening to before placing her phone in her lap and laying her head back against the seat closing her eyes tightly.

As the plane started its journey down the runway Julie could feel her chest tighten from the nerves. She quickly released her white knuckle grip on the armrest on her left side to try and turn up her music, but as she did so the plane began its ascent and hit a patch of turbulence. Julie freaked out and tried to grab ahold of the armrest again, but Luke had set his arm there when she moved hers, causing her to grab his hand. She tried to pull her hand away, but Luke had put the pieces together that she was a nervous flyer and held her hand until the plane leveled off and the turbulence stopped.

Julie let go of Luke's hand and thanked the boy with a smile. He returned the smile and Julie reached into her bag and pulled out her notebook before releasing the tray on the back of the seat in front of her and returning to writing. About halfway through the flight, Julie had about three-quarters of her song done and was working vigorously when she felt someone gently bump her shoulder. She quickly looked to her left and saw Luke pointing to the stewardess in the aisle. As she took out her headphones, the stewardess asked once again if Julie would like anything. Julie had happily accepted a bag of pretzels and small water which she enjoyed before returning to her work. 

A few minutes later she had hit a wall in her writing and was starting to get a headache from listening to the same portion of her demo track over and over again. She once again removed her headphones from her ears before leaning back in her seat and rubbing her face in frustration.

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