26- The Project

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Summary: Julie and Luke enemies to lovers (Everybody's Alive)

Setting: Los Feliz 2020

Warnings: Swearing

Words: 3,205

Requested By: @NatashaWahl on Wattpad


Everybody at Los Feliz highschool knew the name, Luke Patterson. He was the stereotypical jock, guitar player, and all-around jackass. Being the star pitcher on the school's varsity baseball team, and the best guitar player in the music program, coupled with the fact that he was in a band made Luke the dream guy in any girl's eyes. Any girl except Julie Molina that is. Julie was a nobody who lived in Los Feliz her entire life. She was insanely gifted musically and let it show in her music classes, up until the death of her mother. Julie and Luke had known each other since elementary school and to say they hated each other would be an understatement. Ever since that day he pushed her off the swing during recess the two have been in a constant battle with one another trying to make the other's life miserable.

Most people at the school knew of the Molina-Patterson feud, including teachers, and if not then they are either dumb, blind, or new. This is the case with Mrs. Harrison. She was the new teacher in the music classes this year at Los Feliz High and had yet to experience any major conflicts between the two. Julie and Luke were generally civil in their music classes, especially after the death of Julie's mother. Julie refused to sing or play any instruments and even stuck-up, jackass Luke Patterson knew not to make fun of her for it. Mrs. Harrison had just assigned an introduction project to her music class. The project required partners to work together and create a song over the weekend to introduce themselves to the class. Everyone was very excited and immediately turned to their friends to start working before Mrs. Harrison declared she would be picking groups. The class sighed in response to the news and turned back to face the teacher.

"Ok, our first pairing is Reggie Peters and Alex Mercer," Mrs. Harrison called out to the class. The pairing cheered and high-fived each other.

"Next is Carrie Wilson and Flynn Rider," The girls sighed and the class laughed because the two girls did not get along, but very few saw the wink that Flynn sent towards Carrie that resulted in a small smile.

The teacher continued to rattle off pairings until she reached the final two people in the class.

"And then that leaves our final pairing to be Luke Patterson and Julie Molina"

The entire class froze upon hearing this. It was so silent you could hear a needle drop. Julie, who was doodling in the notebook on her lap, shot her head up. Her mouth agape and eyes wide. Luke smirked and winked at Julie who scoffed. Just then the bell rang and everyone made their way out of the classroom murmuring about the project. Julie rushed over to Mrs. Harrison.

"Can I please get a new partner? I can't work with him. I'll work by myself. Is there anything you can do?" she pleaded.

"Oh come on Molina. You know we'll do great together," Luke slung his arm over Julie's shoulder.

"Well, that settles that," Mrs. Harrison smiled before gathering her papers and walking away.

Julie hastily shrugged Luke's arm off and turned to face him, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Well, I guess I'm stuck with you Patterson. I'll be at your house at 4 tonight," she turned to walk away but Luke spoke up.

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