6- The Debate

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Summary: Luke, Alex, Reggie, and Bobby have a debate during lunch

Setting: School Cafeteria 1993

Warnings: None

Words: 1,447


"Heys guys!" Luke greeted Booby, Alex, and Reggie as he sat down at the lunch table next to Alex. "What are we talking about?"

"Alex says he saw a ghost last night!" Reggie exclaims excitedly.

"Really Alex? C'mon, I thought you were better than this," Luke responded with a sigh.

"Hey!, What's that supposed to mean?" Alex asked offended.

"Ghosts aren't real babe," Luke stated planting a kiss on Alex's cheek before taking a bite of his pizza.

"Maybe you should hear his story. It might change your mind," Bobby chimed in.

"I doubt it, but whatever. What happened Alex?" Luke turned to the boy next to him.

"Ok, so I was laying in my bed peacefully sleeping when I heard my doorknob turning at like 3 am. My door opened but when I got up to check there was nobody there, so I went back to bed. When I laid down though the door closed. How do you explain that?"

"It was probably Layla messing with you," Luke shrugged.

"Oh come on you really think my older sister would be awake at 3 o'clock in the morning just to mess with me? You know how she likes her beauty sleep." Alex responded quickly.

"You guys really think it was a ghost?" Luke questioned the rest of the band.

"Yes!" Reggie shouted causing a couple of heads to turn towards their table. "Sorry, yes!" He said quieter but with the same level of excitement in his voice. "What else could it be? Alex said nobody was there when he checked."

"Bobby, You've always been sensible," Luke started as Bobby nodded in response. "Do you believe these two clowns?"

"I mean why not?" Bobby said with a shrug. "It's not like we haven't all had our share of weird things happen that we can't really explain. Do you remember when we were practicing last week and we heard those noises in the loft?"

"Or when your box of guitar picks fell off the shelf but nobody was over there to knock them over?" Alex added.

"I think it's settled ghosts are real, the studio is haunted, and the ghost who is haunting the studio followed Alex home last night," Reggie stated matter of factly.

"Ghost's aren't real!" Luke shouted as the bell rang signifying the end of lunch.

"You know what I'll prove it. I'm going to be a little late to practice!" Reggie called as he walked away from the group and towards his next class.


Bobby sat on the floor in front of the couch that was taken up by Luke and Alex who were cuddled against each other while they all waited for Reggie to arrive at the studio for practice. Suddenly, the double doors opened, and in skipped Reggie.

"Hi!" He exclaimed as he sat down on the floor on the other side of the table in front of the couch. Luke and Alex broke apart as they both sat up.

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