Chapter Two: Here We Go Again (EDITED)

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Natasha ran into my room and ripped open the curtains; "UP!" She yelled "It's time to train!" a groan sounded from my lips, "I don't wanna."

"Too bad," she replied, "Get your suit on. You're training with Cap in ten minutes."

"Why him? There are so many other people who I could spar with." She ripped my blanket off and drug me out of bed, "Don't complain. You forget the power I still hold over you."

Natasha walked out of the room, no doubt expecting me to prepare myself for today's training session.

A perk of having rich parents is that most of my clothes have been tailored to fit me pretty much perfectly. The suit made for me is designed to protect me, but also to give me a physical advantage. Not that it would help much against Steve.

Upon walking into the training room, Steve was quick to greet me, already in his stars and stripes at 6 am.

"Where would you like to start? We can warm up on the treadmill before sparring if you'd like." He says politely. Always a gentleman.

"No, I'd rather just jump into it. Get it over with. Let me stretch first, and I'll be good to go." I replied.

Natasha frowned, she didn't appreciate my lack of interest, though she never had. I don't think she understood that I've never had the will to fight like they did.

I stretched out, my muscles had not felt sore in years. I had memorized this routine:

Wake up

My days haven't changed since The age of 10, six years ago.

The spar began, and I completely spaced. I went into "the zone", as some people call it. Mindlessly moving my body and muscles as I've done so many times before.

As I slowly zoned back in, I realized that I had won the spar. Steve stood up and nodded, congratulating me but also giving me corrections.

Corrections I've heard a thousand times but just can't seem to fix.

"Are you even listening?" Natasha snapped at me

"Yeah," I mumbled.

"Then why aren't you fixing it? You have been told multiple times, Jasmine. Fix your mistakes before I fix then for you."

"You will not 'fix' my corrections. I will do so myself," I replied lowly

"Watch yourself," She said dangerously, "I have been placed in charge of your training, and you will not be a disappointment."

"Okay, let's calm down guys," Steve stepped in, "Jasmine, do you understand what needs to be changed?"


"Just because you're in a bad mood doesn't mean you need to be short with me. You know I'm in your corner, but check yourself."

I silently nodded, not wanting to push my luck anymore.

"Can I be done now?"

"No," Natasha said, "For your disrespect and apathy towards training, you have an extra hour today."

"Can't you tack it onto my night session?"


"I have studying to do."

"Academics can wait."

"One can argue the phrase 'Mind over matter'."

"That has literally nothing to do with this."

I sighed.

"Drop down. I want 100."

And so I did.

100 push-ups and a gallon of sweat later, I stood up to look at Natasha.

"Two miles."

So I did.

We went on and on like this, her telling me a task to do and me not doing it well enough. It lasted longer than an hour, I was sure of that because Steve had left as soon as his scheduled time was over, which always matched mine when we sparred.

Finally, she permitted me to be done. I shot her one last glare as I left. My room was my sanctuary, somewhere I didn't have to deal with everyone.

I peeled off my suit and stepped into the shower, the hot water felt great, even if it was scalding.

After stepping out of the shower and performing my skincare routine and drying my hair, I made my way to my office to study. Being homeschooled, you kind of just do it year round. I'm years ahead of most people my age, who would be a sophomore in high school.

Today the topic was quantum mechanics and how it applies to our world. Not exactly high school work.

I finished my lesson quickly, then decided that maybe I should eat.

The kitchen in the residential area of Avengers Tower was more than exceptional. Equipped with all sorts of food and the finest appliances money can buy, some of us have learned to be great chefs.

Today, breakfast was just a simple egg sandwich. Nothing too special, Just something to tide me over until dinner tonight.

After breakfast, I decided to go work on one of my projects. That's the "work" part of my schedule.

The lab was another one of my safe havens. It's a place where I can be completely calm and in my zone. No one bothers me in the lab, and sometimes my dad comes in and we sit and build together. It's nice.

Just as I was getting everything I needed to continue working on my projects, I dropped my wrench, which normally isn't a bad thing, just misfortune.

It would be the same deal today, except for the clang sound of metal on metal, which means I inevitably just dented something.

Whatever I had dented was covered by a large piece of fabric. I scrambled, trying to pick up the wrench and hide the evidence. Uncovering the metal, I realized it was a breastplate for a new suit. Shit.

Just then, my dad walked in:

"Jas? You okay?" He asked me, then took in the situation, "Maybe we should talk in my office."

Original A/N: oooooh you're in troubleeeeeee! Peter will be in the story soon! I'm just not sure when... Give me some ideas on how they should meet! I'm really excited to keep writing, but I don't know if I will be able to write a lot this coming week. I'm going back to school tomorrow and I'm gonna have tons of homework cause I go to a private school. Anyway, please comment and vote!

Edited A/N: HI!!!!! wow!!!! it's been a long time since i've been on this app. or focused on this fic. anyways, i'm gonna try and edit this story from the cringe fest dumpster fire i left it as.
edited 1/28/23

original word count: 691 words
edited word count: 1088 words

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