Chapter Ten: Girls, Gossip, and Marathons

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I can't hear anyone's mind, and I can't tell who yelled to me. I brace myself, but it doesn't do me any good. Suddenly my body is as stiff as a board and I'm being tackled to the ground. Damnit. I start to struggle against the curse. "It's no use. You know that. You're ours now" someone says from behind me. I roll my eyes "cut the crap, Tasha. Wanda, let me go before I beat the shit out of you" I hear Wanda laugh "like that's gonna happen. I have powers, remember?" So do I. I think. A smirk breaks across my face. "You underestimate me" I concentrate really hard on lifting the curse. Once my body is free, I use my powers to disable the cameras. I bind both Nat and Wanda's bodies as mine was. As I walk away, I lift their bodies up and they float behind me and I send them into my room. I go back out to the hallway and hide behind a corner as I enable the cameras again. Shouldn't have messed with me. I walk back to my room and open the door. Nat and Wanda look at me with a mixture of awe, confusion, and fright. "What. The. Hell." Nat says "Was. That." I laugh "I told you, you underestimate me. If either of you tell ANYONE about what just happened, I will make both of your deaths look like tragic accidents." They nod. I free them. "How long?" Wanda asks. I sigh "since the first incident with Loki in 2012" Nataha's eyes widen "and you never told me?!" I look down "I'm sorry Nat. I'm just scared they're gonna send me to a lab. Or Bruce and my dad are gonna keep me in the hospital wing and run tests on me to try and re-create my powers. Or S.H.I.E.L.D. Or Hydra... it's scary" Wanda looks at me with understanding eyes. "Well, enough about this. Who was the boy with you in the elevator?" She asks with a smirk. My eyes widen and me cheeks go red "oh come on Jasmine! We're not gonna tease you" Nat says. "No one important he's just an intern or something. He thinks I'm Mom's assistant. He doesn't know that he's working with my dad." I say. They exchange knowing glances "then WHY, young Stark" Natasha says dramatically "are you blushing?" I giggle "well, a perk of my powers is that I can read minds" they gasp "NO WAY!" Wanda exclaims "SHHHHHH!" Me and Nat both tell her
"sorry. It's just cool!"
"I guess" I shrug
"YOU GUESS?" They both exclaim
"Yeah. Anyway, I heard his thoughts and they were something like 'this girl is really pretty...I wonder if I can give her my number? Nah...she's probably got a boyfriend' and then I asked for his number and we're gonna hang out soon. He's in a meeting with my dad right now"  They smirk
"what's the kids name?" Wanda says
"Oh shut up"
"What does your dad think of him?"
"Are you dating?"
"When's the wedding?"
"Guys! I just met him! Besides, if it does go anywhere further, my dad can't know. He'll kill me. If we got together and then broke up, he'd make a scene about how it'll ruin the company or whatever. And Peter can't know Tony and Pepper are my parents. People will target him. I can't have that." I say. The two of them giggle "shut up or I'll tie you both up again. "You can't hurt me" Wanda thinks "I'll fight you." I glare at her "Listen, I don't wanna do this, but if you wanna fight, you'll be the third Avenger I've beaten today" her eyes widen "Never mind then..." I sit back, satisfied. We sit in silence for about twenty minutes. Eventually Nat breaks the silence and we gossip about my fight with Steve and my race with Thor.

"Jasmine!" I hear my dad yell "we're having company over in an hour! Get ready, and for God's sakes please TRY and look presentable!" I roll my eyes "alright well, since I have to look nice, I have to get in the shower. I'll see you guys in a bit when we start the marathon" they both nod and walk out. I go to my bathroom and turn on the shower to make sure it's hot. When I get in, I tell Alexa to play my liked songs. When I'm done showering I walk over to my huge closet. "Okay...I've gotta find something to wear..."

After about ten minutes of looking, I finally decided on a pair of (probably too short) shorts and a cropped spaghetti strap tank top

After about ten minutes of looking, I finally decided on a pair of (probably too short) shorts and a cropped spaghetti strap tank top

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This is what she's wearing

I do my hair (not too elaborate but not too casual)

Imagine this ponytail, just in strawberry blonde hair

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Imagine this ponytail, just in strawberry blonde hair

I brush my teeth and walk to the elevator. "FRIDAY, bring me to the lounge room" I say. The elevator starts going down. Soon I'm on the lounge floor. I walk down the hallway and as soon as I'm there, all the guys' heads turn. I mean alll of them Steve, Thor, Bruce, Scott, Bucky, Clint, Sam, Rhodney, Stephen, Sam, Vision and...Peter? Pervs. I smirk. My dad shoots them all a we'll-sit-down-and-talk-about-this-later look, then shoots me a what-the-hell-are-you-wearing look. I force back a laugh and walk over to one of the many couches. As I sit down I see Peter staring at me. I stare back and smile. He blushes and immediately looks away. I snicker and turn away "SO! What are we watching first?" I ask. "Frozen?" My dad proposes. Everyone groans "we always watch Frozen" Bucky whines "why can't we watch Peter Pan?" Everyone groans a second time "why not Ronin Hood?" I ask. A third groan "Hercules?" Steve asks. Thor gets up and starts yelling "No? Okay then" "sheesh" Steve thinks "no need to get all angry" I giggle. Steve looks at me like I'm crazy, then turns his head. "Let's watch the little mermaid!" Peter piped up. Everyone murmured in agreement.

Time skip because I'm not writing out the whole Little Mermaid script

The movies over and we immediately started a new one. I kept catching Peter staring at me. Every time he would blush and look away. It gave me butterflies.

Another time skip because I'm not gonna write the details of four movies

"I'm going to get snacks" I announce "yes. I know what everyone wants" Peter looks up "I'll come too. There's a bunch of people and you'll probably need help." My dad looks at us "what kitchen are you guys going to?" I look at him and roll my eyes "the main one. There's more food there" my dad smirks at me, earning a second roll and a giggle from Peter. We get up and walk to the kitchen

A/N: this is the LONGEST chapter in the series. Holy crap. Also on a kinda related note I'm watching Infinity War and bawling my eyes out at 11:08pm😃👍🏻 Thank you everyone who reads this fic!

Until next time,

Word count: 1211 words

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