Chapter Nineteen: Joy...flying?

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nope. not even putting fonts.

we flew off the building and I had the rest of the team go to the safe spot to take care of the civilians

"Anthony. Edward. Stark." I growl and turn to my mom "Virginia. Marie. Potts"

Yeah I couldn't find Pepper's middle name lol

"Something you'd like to tell me?" they both give me confused expressions "Anything you've been Hiding from me the past sixteen years?"

"Jasmine, quit beating around the bush. What's going on?"

"Does the name Charlotte Brynn Stark ring a bell?"

my mom breaks down into tears

"thought so. when we're you gonna tell me? or were you just gonna try and hide the fact that I have a sister my whole life? You should've known. I always find out."

"J-Jasmine. we really w-wanted to tell you. we just c-couldn't find the r-right time" my mom stutters in between sobs

"Bullshit! Instead of spending my whole life by myself and later with Wanda and Nat I could've had a friend! I could've found her!"

"wait...what do you mean found her?" my dad asks skeptically

"she's still alive. she's looking for revenge and is gonna kill me, mom, the team, and anyone remotely related to us! ending with you to make you suffer the most."

my mom sobs even harder

"oh calm down! I'm not gonna let her do that. I'm not gonna hurt her. She'll serve a few years in jail at the most. But I know that this attack won't be the last time she bothers us"

"Jasmine what do you mean? You're hallucinating. or dreaming. There hasn't been an attack today. Charlotte has been dead for sixteen years. did you fall off the bed when your friends were over?" my dad asks

"I'm NOT crazy! I saw her!" I exclaim "She looks almost exactly like me, but with your hair and eyes! She doesn't know I'm Jasmine Stark. She thinks I'm just a random girl in an iron suit"

"Jasmine, honey, we didn't say you're crazy. We said you're hallucinating." my mom says gently

"If i'm 'Hallucinating'" I say, making air quotes "Then why is everyone checking on civilians at the safe spot?"

"They're not at the safe spot. The team is at a restaurant eating"

"Apex is gonna kill us all" I mumble

what the hell?

"I'm going out" i decide

"where to?" my dad asks

"I don't know. I'll be back by eleven"

"Jasmine it's seven thirty on a school night" my dad says

"yeah. I'm aware"

"Don't get the tone with your father" my mom scolds

"Sorry" I say, not really meaning it "I'll see you guys later. Bye, love you"

"Love you too" my mom says sadly

"Be safe, kiddo" dad adds

"don't worry. I'm just going for a fly. patrol around Queens for a bit. Maybe go see Flash"

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