Chapter Twenty-Three: All Too Well

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Lyrics: All Too Well by Taylor Swift
Italics: Thoughts, flashbacks, emphasis, or lyrics

Peter and I spent all of our time together when I wasn't patrolling. Flash and I started spending less and less time together. He was angry that I was in a relationship with Peter. My Aunt Carol and I spent pretty much every day until she got a message and had to leave. She assured me that's she'd be back soon.

everyone had chosen names for their double-lives.

Mj: Solar Flare
Liz: Ivy
Peter: Commander Saturn
Flash: Slingshot
Ned: Titan
Me: Vertigo


"Weeeee! This slide is amazing!" I yelled while I went down the slide.

I ran over to the sandbox, but tripped over the side

"Owww!" I cried. Blood was everywhere and i cut my knee on a plastic toy.

A little boy rushed over "Are you okay?" He asked

"I-I think so" I sniffled

"I'll go get a band-aid for you. My babysitter keeps them in her bag."

"Thank you"

The boy walked towards a bored-looking teenager and the came back over. "Here" he said "this'll make it all better"

"Thank you. My name is Jasmine"

"I'm Eugene, but you can call me Flash"

"Hello, Flash" I said with a smile

-End of Flashback-

That's all I could think of while we were arguing. The day we met.

"Jasmine how could you do this?! I thought we were friends!"

"We are, Flash! And because we're friends, you should support me!" I yelled, barely holding back tears

"I can't support you! I hate him!" He retorted

"Eugene Micheal Thompson! You take that back right now!"

Def just made up his middle name

"No, Jasmine! Why can't you understand!"

"Because it doesn't make sense, Flash! I'm finally happy and you can't accept that!"

"Oh, so you were never happy before Peter? Is that what your saying? All of those times when you told me you were having fun? That it was the happiest day of your life? Was that all fake, Jasmine?"

"You're Impossible!" I screamed

"Oh says you! You're the one dating Penis Parker!" He shot back "You think you're so special because you have superpowers. You think you're so amazing because you have a long-lost twin. You think the world belongs to you because your dad is Tony Stark. But guess what? YOUR DAD DOESN'T EVEN CARE ABOUT YOU" As soon as he said it, he knew he hit a spot

"Jasmine I-"

"Get out" I whispered

"Jasmine please-" Flash pleaded

"get OUT" I snapped as I blinked back tears

He turned on his heel towards the elevator and gave me one last look of sadness.

As soon as I saw the elevator shut, I ran to get my suit, then to the roof, and jumped off. As soon as my suit was on, I flew and flew and flew.

I walked through the door with you

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