Chapter Seven: Zoom Zoom (EDITED)

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I love my life. I promise I do. I have a loving family and a job for life, not to mention the sole heir of a multi-billion dollar company. I love the world I was born into. I swear i'm grateful for it all.

But it gets so...old.

I do the same thing all day, every day. I don't get to go to school or live in the world like every other sixteen year old.

This is a big, wide world. I'll never get to be a part of it. Because "for my safety," I can't be a real person. I know they were trying to protect me. But God I wish they wouldn't have.

Have you ever been giving everything a normal person has ever wanted, but not want any of it? Exactly.

But today was different. Today was June 7th. Today, it was most schools in the district's first day of summer.

There were teens everywhere, wandering the streets aimlessly. The weather? God, the weather was beautiful.

I didn't get to go outside much, unless it was in the compound's yard, which was under a glass dome, or on the roof.

But I had a plan today.

I started out by leaving really early this morning. I spoke with my dad the night before, he decided it would be okay if I went out and patrolled with my new suit.

But I wouldn't be wearing it.

I wouldn't even be patrolling.

I was going for a walk through central park.

As someone who's a native New Yorker, you would think I know how to get to Central Park.

But apparently at four in the morning, cities are hard to navigate. I sat atop a building until it was light out, waiting to see someone who I could get directions from.

It's not like I could use a GPS, my dad would be able to track my suit.

So at 6:30 am, when people were filing into the streets, I asked the first person I could for directions.

He obliged and told me how, but he was incredibly rude. He was a tall man with a dark beard and long face. It seemed like there was about him.

I figured it was probably just because it was morning.

The park was sunny and warm and full of trees! I had never seen trees outside home before. Dad and I had worked with Bruce on genetically modified trees, but they always looked wrong. They were too green. The trees had been designed to produce more oxygen, but they were so fake.

I landed behind a public bathroom and pressed a button on my suit. It retracted into the shape of a small flash drive, which fit in my pocket conveniently.

I wore a tank top and jean shorts, eager to soak up the warmth for as long as I could. It's not everyday you go against everything you've been taught your entire life and rebel for the first time.

I finally felt like a real person! Not just another machine my dad makes. I was breathing and actually living.

Not just existing.

There's a world of difference between them.

A cute boy who looked like he was late for something was hurrying down the sidewalk. Upon closer inspection, I realized that was Peter!

I went over to say hi, then realized:

Shit. That was Peter.

He wasn't supposed to see me outside the tower. If he did and he told my dad...I would be screwed.

So I acted like any rational person would.

I dove into a bush.

A/N: wow that was a hard chapter. I decided to put Jasmine's thoughts into italics because it's easier. Don't worry, you WILL see/hear other people's thoughts soon, but not this chapter. I'll probably have another chapter out tomorrow or the day after. The latest it'll be is this weekend. And again, tot he few people who do read this fic, THANK YOU!

Until next time,

Word count: 717 words

Updated A/N: HEY LOVLIES! i'm so sorry for the fic being weird and the plot not lining up. i've had so much going on with school and sports, but now that cheer is over i'm hoping to spend more time dedicating to writing my WIPs and editing my fics.

and to those who are still reading this...why???

but seriously, love you guys to the moon and saturn<3

all my love,

updated word count: 755 words

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