Chapter Five: Pop-Tarts! (EDITED)

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A/N: i feel the need to say that this chapter has literally nothing to do w pop tarts anymore but brown sugar and also the s'mores pop tarts are the superior flavors and if you don't agree then please leave

Dad found me a little while later, knocking on my door before entering.

Yeah, as if I would be doing something I shouldn't. Wild.

"What are your thoughts on the suit?" He asked me.

"I love it, Dad. Really. Like, SO much!" I replied enthusiastically.

He smiled, "I thought you would," Dad paused for a minute, "And what are your thoughts on Peter?"

"Well, I did some internet stalking-"

"As one does."

"-he seems like a good asset to the company. He gets good grades and goes to a smart people school. Has a very small circle, and by small circle I mean a singular friend."

"I knew about the smart kid stuff. Hell, he knows almost as much as you do."

"Almost," I replied, "But not equivalent. He does have a few classes he seems to struggle in. English is one of them. That's a shame, seeing as that's literally the language he speaks. However he does seem to be decent at French."

"Jas, kid, I love you. You know that. But why in the hell are you stalking his grades. Nevermind how, why are you?" Dad asked, chuckling slightly.

"I'm in the administrative account of his school," I said simply.

"Wha- never mind. I'm not even gonna ask. Just don't get me into any legal trouble."

"Me? Trouble? Never." I smirked.

Dad laughed as he shut the door to my room.

The rest of my day went about as normal. I glanced out the window, wishing I could go out. Dad doesn't let me leave the tower very often, worrying that I'll be hurt or targeted. Almost the entirety of my existence has been spent in this tower.

The public has no idea about me. As far as anyone knows, besides the original six Avengers, I'm an intern who's parents were close friends with Dad before they died. It's difficult living in secret, but sometimes I get to drive the jet places.

I've never actually seen New York City, let alone been outside it, which is frustrating, but I guess that it's for the best.

A/N: HI! So I don't have many readers *cries* but I do like this story. A lot. So I know I've barely even started it, but after it's finished would anyone be interested in reading a sequel? Just a thought...Anyway! In the next chapter (don't worry. I wont spoil it too much) Jasmine and Thor race... after, she runs into someone familiar, but she doesn't know it. Thank you to the few people who read this story!

Until next time,

Word count: 480 words

Edited A/N: i can confirm that in the next chapter jas and thor do not race. i'm taking that part out because my LORD it makes my cringe.

anyways i feel like it's been forever since i've edited this story like i said i would. i've been hella busy w cheer lately so i'm sorry about that. also my boyfriend broke up w me so that's coo but my delulu self is still in love w him.

have a great day everyone n i love you all lots💋💋💋

until next time,


edited word count:

574 words


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