Chapter Eleven: Oh God

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"Well, come on!" I say to Peter. He quickly nods and follows me to the elevator. I glance back and see Nat and Wanda smirking at each other "you're either gonna hate us, or love us" Nat thinks Oh God

We make our way to the elevator and i decide to tune into Peter's thoughts. Yes, I know, it's not fair that I keep listening in, but I can't help it! His thoughts are so...interesting...

"Holy shit! I'm in an elevator...WITH JASMINE!!! Oh God what should I say to her? We can't sit here like this! It's so awkward...She's so pretty! How can one human being be so pretty? *GASP* WHAT IF SHES NOT HUMAN?!?!! No, she's human. Peter you need to stop watching so much star wars. I wonder what school she goes to? Maybe she goes to midtown! But...wouldn't I have seen her before? Nah, probably not. I can't seem to get my face out of a stupid book..." I try not to laugh at that last part. After awhile he musters up the courage to talk to me. "So!" He starts "uh....where do you go to school?" I blush, embarrassed "I don't go to school. i'm homeschooled. My dad is super overprotective of me, but I'm trying to get him to let me go to an advanced high school in Queens I think it's called Midtown High or something..." his eyes widen "No way! I go there! That would be so cool!! We could see each other every day!" he exclaimed "...that is...if you want to" he said a little more shyly. I grinned "I'd like that" he blushes. I look at him and blush back. BOOM! The lights go dark and the elevator stops "Shit" I mutter I can't just use my powers! He can't know about them. Shit Shit Shit Shit! ugh! Peter grabs my hand and my heart starts hammering "Damnit you two" I curse under my breath. My eyes start to adjust and I see Peter looking at me. As soon as I catch him looking at me he blushes and looks away. "Are you okay?" he asks hesitantly "a little shooken up, yes, but for the most part I think I'm okay. You?" I manage to stutter out "Yeah...Yeah I'm okay..." we stand like this for awhile, looking at each other hand in hand. Its nice, just standing there in silence with him. He had soft, kind, warm brown eyes that made my knees weak and my insides melt. Holy I falling for Peter? Just then he speaks up "Do you think they'll come for us?" i shake my head and chuckle "they're probably too busy singing the soundtrack of Frozen II to even remember we're gone" he laughs. It seems like laughing comes easily for him. I come to the conclusion that I want him in my life and I want to be his friend. Maybe even more. Who knows what the future will bring...

"Jasmine! Jasmine!!!! JASMINE!" My eyes shoot open "Huh?" I say groggily and look around. I see Peter's face and smile to myself "look at the stars!" he says I walk over to the wall (the walls are all windows) "Wow! They're really pretty" I say. Peter grabs my hand "Not as pretty as you" he says. I blush. A lot. I look up at him and his eyes immediately flit away. I smile and turn back to the sky and look at the stars "Peter you IDIOT! WHY would you say that? God, you're stupid. You've literally ruined ANY chance with her you've ever had!" My heart shatters. Is that really what he thinks of himself? Oh, that's horrible! I've got to say something... just then he lets go of my hand. I think it shatters a second time. He turns away. A third time. I try not to cry. I walk to the other side of the elevator and sink down to my knees and a tear slips out. Thank God I cry silently. A small sound escapes me. Damnit. Peter's head whips around and I turn away. I watch myself through his mind and listen in to his thoughts.

Peter's thoughts (Basically his Pov)

I hear a small cry. Oh good going Peter. You made her cry. I start to walk over to her and she turns away. I never should have said anything. I shouldn't have had Nat and Wanda help me. God I'm an idiot. WHY did I ever think I had a shot with her? I sit down next to her. She slightly moves toward me. I hesitantly reach for her hand and she immediately gives it to me. I smile slightly and shift to a more comfortable position. Jasmine turns toward me and looks me in the eye. I lay in my back and she lays on my chest. My smile grows bigger. She buries her face in my chest and I kiss her hair "I'm sorry" I mumble "shut up, you dork" she says. We lay there in silence and eventually fall asleep.

now this is just Peter's POV (Jasmine isn't watching through his mind)

I'm woken by the sound of the elevator moving. I try and get up but something stops me. I look down and Jasmine's there. Oh yeah I think with a smile. Gently, I shake her. "Jasmine, the elevator's moving" she wakes up and looks around. Finally she sees me "OH!" She exclaims "I'm so sorry! uh...I...Um..." she stutters awkwardly. God she's cute<3 "It's okay, Jazz. I had a good night" I say with a small smile. A big grin stretches across her face. Just then, the elevator dings and she flies off of me. She really looked like she was flying... she's not flying you idiot. she's a normal human. The doors open to the main floor and Mr. Stark is right outside the doors Shit...he looks...angry? no...I can't tell what he looks but I have a feeling it's not good. "Jasmine" her head snaps in his direction "My office. Now. Go." she nods obediently "Peter, walk with me" oh shit. did I do anything wrong? Does he know I like Jasmine? Probably not...But what if??? He probably doesn't have a problem with it since she's just Mrs. Pepper's assistant...

A/N: Wooooooow. that was a fun chapter! it was kinda cute tbh...also, I wrote Peter's POV! (finally) anyway, i hope you enjoyed this chapter:)

Peace out!

Word count: 1095 words

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