Chapter Twenty: The Cool Aunt

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nope. not explaining

I thought that when Jasmine and her "Aunt" were flying around this is a song that would be going through her mind:)

"Junior? What are you doing here?" Mr. Pajamas asks

" know...flying..." I respond nervously

"wonder what she's doing. it's like 10:30 pm. is she having insomnia?"

"why?" he asks

"it's peaceful. i like flying around without my helmet on"


"yeah. I've been toying with an idea in my normal life. It could change the entire world"

"wow. sounds important"

"it is. well, it was nice talking to you, Mr. Pajamas"

"It's spiderman" he groans


I turn and fly away.

once I get back to the tower, I see that the window i jumped out of is still open. It's almost  11:00, and the window is in the kitchen, so it's probably safe to go through there.

As i climb through the window (suit off) I say to no one in particular "I'm hungry"

"Me too" a voice behind me says. I can't decide if it's male or female

Apex! Is my first thought. I whip around, grab my knife and put it up to the mystery person's neck.

turns out, it's not my Sister. It's Peter.

Wait- Peter???

"What are you doing here this late at night?" I ask

"I could ask the same of you" he counters

"It's none of your business. I've got things going on at home" I spit

"Oh...I'm sorry I asked"


I turn away and open the pantry. "Thank God Steve didn't eat all the cereal" I mumble as I grab the Lucky Charms. I turn around, only to find myself nose-to-nose with Peter. My breath hitches in my throat. He smirks.

"Do I take your breath away, Miss Miller?"

"Hardly" I scoff

"wanna bet?"

"n-" he cuts me off, kissing me. After getting over the shock, I kiss back.

Finally, I pull away, and he can hardly breathe.

"I think I'm the one taking your breath away, Parker"

I walk to the cupboard and get bowls, then to the drawer for some spoons. Finally I make my way around Peter to the fridge and grab some milk. We tiptoe to the dining table and I pour our cereal and milk. We sit and whisper quietly while we eat.

I look over and see it's 12:15am "Oh my gosh Peter, we need to sleep! We have school tomorrow!" I manage to say through giggles

"oh you're-hahaha-right-hahaha-i guess we-ahahahaha-should-ahahhahahahahahah" he replies, obviously sleep-deprived

"come on, Perkins. Time for sleep" I gently coax

"heehee" is all he replies with

We walk into the elevator and F.R.I.D.A.Y. automatically brings us up to the residential floor. I make sure Peter is in bed and cross the hall to my bedroom.

Peter Parker x OC: Secrets (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now