Chapter Eighteen: it started as a normal day...

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Nope. I'm not explaining.

Btw no one in new york knows the identities of the superheroes except for tony bc he announced it on national television. also this story is based in 2017 not 2021:)

Jasmine's POV

I follow Gamora out of the elevator. We walk for a bit, and finally we sit down on one of the lounge room couches.

"What's up?" I ask

"A couple things. The first: i don't trust that boy. I think you'd be in better company with the Parker boy"

I roll my eyes "I'm not doing this right now. What else?"

"Quill" I give her a questioning look "He keeps trying to hold my hand, hug me, be close to me...I don't know what to do about it"

"Well, this isn't a matter for me to just deal with" I whip out my phone

"what are you doing?" she asks

i ignore her

Stark 2.0: GUYSSSSSS

Spider Lady: What Jasmine

Violet From the Incredibles: What's wrong?

Stark 2.0: Meet me on the lounge floor!

Spider Lady: this better be important

Blue Robot Space Girl: if it's not I'm ripping your head off

"What did you just do?" Gamora asks

"I needed backup" I say

two minutes later, Wanda comes bursting through the stairway door and Nat jumps through the window. Nebula Jumps down from the ceiling

How the hell did she get up there?!

"You have to pay for that, You know." I say to Natasha

"Your dad will" she says with a shrug "What was so important? And why is little green here?" she said referring to gamora

Gamora jumps out of her chair and on top of Nat "Don't. Call. Me. Little. Green."

Natasha jumps up and pins Gamora "Don't pin me" she spits, and gets up.

Nebula helps Gamora up and we all laugh

"So what's the deal?" Wanda asks

I smirk "Tell them, Gamora"

she tells them all about Quill

Nebula is the first to speak up "I think he's an idiot"

"He is" I agree "But he'll treat Gamora right

everyone nods in agreement

"Next time he grabs your hand, let him" wanda says

"Don't hold it too tight" Nat adds

"and don't always let him do it" nebula pipes up

"Play hard-to-get" I chime in

Peter Parker x OC: Secrets (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now